Bin Transfer in Put Away screen
The Put Away screen in WMS now has an option for Bin Transfer in order to handle the cases where the warehouses have static bins in the locations.
During bin transfer, all the items from the source bin gets added to the destination bin.
Check nearest Location with an Empty Bin
Following are the steps to check the nearest location with empty bin:
Go to the Put Away screen under Storage category in Increff WMS.
Navigate to the Bin Transfer tab.
The right side of the screen has a section named Get Location with Empty Bin.
Scan the Location ID.
The Next Location with Empty Bin is displayed on the screen.
Bin Transfer
Following are the steps to perform Bin Transfer:
Go to the Put Away screen under Storage category in Increff WMS.
Navigate to the Bin Transfer tab.
Scan the Destination Bin ID.
Scan the Source Bin ID.
Physically transfer all the items from the source bin to the destination bin.
Confirm the operation by scanning the Destination Bin ID again in Confirm Destination Bin ID field.