Item Based Guided B2B Order Picking

Item Based Guided B2B Order Picking


Increff WMS now provides Item based Guided Picking for B2B orders. This feature provides a guided path for picking specific items of a B2B order.


This feature will be useful in processing following types of order:

  • Return To Vendor (RTV) orders.

  • QC Reason specific orders.

  • Items to be picked are already provided for the order.

Item Based Guided Picking Workflow

Following are the steps to be followed to pick specific items for order:

  1. Create B2B Outward Order in OMS.

  2. Upload the items to be picked for order using Upload Items for Order Picking screen in WMS.

  3. Pick the items for the order using the Guided Item Based Picking screen in WMS.

Creation of B2B Outward Order in OMS

B2B Outward orders can either be pushed from ERP or can be placed using the Create Outward Order screen in OMS.


Few types of reports are provided at the Item level which can be downloaded and orders can be created for the SKU-Qty. The Item based reports are as follows : 

  1. RTV Suggestion Report : Items can be filtered based on Inward Order ID, Gate Entry ID, Supplier ID.

  2. Storage: QC Reject Reasons Report - WMS : Items can be filtered based on QC Fail Reasons.


Upload Items for Order Picking

A new screen Upload Items for Order Picking is added in WMS under the B2B Picking category.


This screen consists of two different tabs based on functionality :

  1. Add Items to Order

  2. Remove Items from Order

Add Items to Order

This screen is used to upload the items to be picked for an order.


Following are the steps to add the items to be picked for an order:

  1. Go to Upload Items For Order Picking screen.

  2. Navigate to Add Items to Order tab (default selected).

  3. Scan the Order ID.

  4. Download the sample CSV template from the screen. 

  5. In the CSV, enter the Item Codes to be picked for the corresponding order.

  6. Upload the CSV and click on the Submit button.

  7. Once the CSV upload is successful - 

    • The Uploaded items are associated with the order

    • Picklist release action is triggered automatically for the order.

    • Audits are captured at the item level for this activity.


Figure 1: Add Items to Order tab in Upload Items For Order Picking screen



Following are the Conditions which are validated during CSV upload:

  • The items should be in LIVE status.

  • Items cannot be uploaded in case any of the picklists is already released for the order or if the pick list release action is triggered from WMS for the order.

  • Items can be uploaded only for the SKUs / Batches which are present in the order.

  • SKU / Batch wise total items which are uploaded should not be more than that of order allocation quantity.



  • Uploading items to pick is allowed only for B2B orders.

  • Items can be uploaded only after the inventory is allocated for the order.

Remove Items from Order

This screen is used to remove the items uploaded against an order for picking.


Following are the steps to remove items from orders:

  1. Go to Upload Items For Order Picking screen.

  2. Navigate to Remove Items From Order tab.

  3. Scan the Order ID.

  4. Download the sample CSV template from the screen. 

  5. In the CSV, enter the Item Codes which need to be removed for the order from picking.

  6. Once the CSV upload is successful - 

    • Uploaded items are removed from the order.

    • Picklists, if released for the item and order gets canceled.

    • Audits are captured at the item level for this activity.


Figure 2: Remove Items From Order tab in Upload Items For Order Picking screen



  • Items uploaded for the order can be removed only if items are not yet picked.

PickList Release

  • Picklist release gets automatically triggered when the items are uploaded for the order.

  • For this type of order, picklist release is not allowed through the Release Bulk Pick screen.

Guided Item Based B2B Picking

A new screen Guided Item Based Picking is added in WMS under the B2B Picking category. This screen is used to pick the items uploaded for the B2B order.


Following are the steps for Item Based Guided B2B Picking:

  • Go to the Guided Item Based Picking screen.

  • Scan the Bulk Order ID and Location ID.

  • The system displays the picking suggestion from the nearest Bin from the scanned Location ID which has the picklist corresponding to the order.

  • The Picking Suggestion has the following details:

    • Bin from which the picking needs to be done.

    • Increff SKU ID, Client SKU ID and the SKU attribute details.

    • List of Item Codes which are to be picked from the bin. (in the form of a table)

  • In case multiple items of the same SKU (irrespective of Batch) are present in the suggested bin, then all the items to be picked are visible on the screen.

  • Pick all the items in PENDING status which are suggested on the screen (can be picked in any order).

  • Once an item is picked, the item status is updated as PICKED and the item is displayed at the end of the list.

  • In case the suggested item(s) is not present in the bin, they can be marked as lost.

  • Following are the steps to Mark an Item as Lost during picking: 

    • Click on the Mark Lost button against the Item Code OR Using checkboxes, select all the item codes which are not present in the bin and click on the Mark Selected Items as Lost button.

    • Verify the Item Codes to be marked as lost from the confirmation popup.

    • Click on the Confirm button.

  • Once an item is marked as LOST, the item status is updated as LOST and the item is displayed at the end of the list.

  • Once all the suggested items are either picked or marked lost, the next picking suggestion for a different bin or different SKU is displayed on the screen.

  • Pick all the items until there is no other picklist remaining to pick in the aisle or till the end of the aisle is reached.

  • Continue the picking activity in different aisles, in case there is any bulk pick-pendency present for the order.   



Figure 3: Guided Item Based Picking Screen       Figure 4: Pick Suggestion with list of items to 

be picked



Figure 5: Item status (PENDING / PICKED / LOST) Figure 6: Confirmation popup when Marking 

in Guided Item Based Picking item as Lost in Guided Item BasedPicking



  • In case the suggested picklists are not picked, the picklist status is changed to ALLOCATED.

  • These picklists are suggested for picking after a span of 5 mins from the last pick suggestion.   

Bin Offline

  • Bin Offline process is not allowed in case a bin contains items which are uploaded for picking for any order. In such cases, the system displays an error.

  • To make such bins offline, the items associated with the orders should be removed using Remove Items from Order screen. Once the items are removed, the bin can be made offline.

Bin Consolidation

Bin Consolidation from Putaway Bin to Offline Bin

  • The Bin Consolidation process is not allowed in case it has items which are uploaded for picking for any order. In such cases, the system displays an error.

  • To consolidate such bins, the items associated with the orders should be removed using Remove Items from Order screen. Once the items are removed, the bin can be consolidated.

Bin Consolidation from an Putaway Bin to another Putaway Bin

  • The Bin Consolidation process is supported here.

  • In case any picklists are released in the current bin for items associated with order, these picklists get canceled.

  • New picklists for the items are released in the new bin in which the items are consolidated.

Item Consolidation / Putaway

Item Consolidation from Putaway Bin to Offline Bin

  • In case the item is uploaded for picking in any order, the item consolidation process for the particular item (to Offline bin) is not supported. In such cases, the system displays an error.

  • To consolidate such items, the items associated with the orders should be removed using Remove Items from Order screen. Once the items are removed, the items can be consolidated.

Item Consolidation from an Putaway Bin to another Putaway Bin

  • Item Consolidation process is supported here.

  • In case any picklist is released in the current bin for the item which is associated with any order, this picklist gets canceled.

  • A new picklist for the item is released in the new bin.

Cycle Count

During cycle count process for a bin, in case there are items associated with the order -

  • For lost items from the bin, association with the order is automatically removed. Picklists, if released, are marked as not found automatically.

  • For the items which are found in the bin, the order association should be removed using Remove Items from Order screen before completing cycle count activity.


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