Inward Report at Invoice Level - OMS
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- 1 Description
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Inward received at GateEntry(Invoice) level data is populated and can be filtered on Gate Entry date.
Fields | Description | This Column Can be NULL | Sample Data | |
1 | Client Name | Name of the Client | NA | Increff |
2 | Fulfillment Location Name | Name of the Fulfilment Location | NA | wms_hsr |
3 | Fulfilment Location City | City of the Fulfilment Location | NA | Bengaluru |
4 | Gate Entry ID | gate entry no | NA | 123456789 |
5 | Gate Entry Date | Gate entry date | NA | 06/10/2019 11:43:38 |
6 | Gate Entry Status | Gate entry status | NA | abc123 |
7 | Gate Entry Closed Time | Gate entry close time |
| 06/10/2019 11:43:38 |
8 | Box Count | No. of boxes |
| 123 |
9 | Vendor Invoice No | External invoice number. | NA | abc134 |
10 | Vendor Invoice Date | External Invoice Date. | Yes if the external invoice is not present. | 06/10/2019 11:43:38 |
11 | PO No | Inward Purchase Order ID | Yes if the order is not placed by any channel. | abc245 |
12 | Order Type | Type of Order | NA |
13 | Vendor Name | Partner Name |
| abc333 |
14 | Vendor City | City of Partner |
| abc345 |
15 | PO Qty | Total Ordered Quantity. | NA | 12345 |
16 | Gate Entry Qty | Quantity at gate entry | NA | 123 |
17 | Received Qty | Total Received Quantity | NA | 12345 |
18 | Pass Qty | Total QC Passed Quantity | NA | 12345 |
19 | Fail Qty | Total QC Failed Quantity | NA | 12345 |
20 | Pending Qty as per Gate Entry | Pending Quantity with respect to Gate Entry | NA |
21 | Pending Qty as per PO | Pending quantity with respect to PO | NA | 123 |
22 | PO Value | Total PO value | NA | 123 |
23 | Gate Entry Value | Total gate entry value | NA | 124.50 |
24 | Net Value | Total Cost | NA | 123 |
25 | Pending Value | Pending value |
| 124.45 |
26 | Total MRP Value | Total MRP |
| 123 |
27 | LR No | AWB Number |
| abc123 |
28 | Vehicle No | Vehicle Number |
| abc123 |
29 | Vendor Tin | GST Number |
| abc123 |
30 | Gate Entry Remarks | Gate Entry Remark |
| abc123 |
Filters | Description | Limitation |
Client | Name of the client | Mandatory |
Time Zone | To show data in the specified time zone | Mandatory |
Fulfilment Location | Name of the Fulfilment Location | Mandatory |
Gate Entry From - Gate Entry To | To filter the report on Gate Entry time |
Vendor | Name of the vendor | Multi Select |
Gate Entry Status | Gate entry status | Multi Select |