Inward PO wise Extra Item Count - WMS
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Provides PO wise extra items received for each SKU and provides it's attributes.
Fields | Description | This Column Can be NULL | Sample Data | |
1 | Client Name | Name of the Client | NA | Increff |
2 | Fulfillment Location Name | Name of the Fulfilment Location | NA | wms_abc |
3 | PO No | Purchase order no. | NA | abc145 |
4 | PO Date | Purchase order date | NA | 2023-01-01 |
5 | Gate Entry ID | Gate Entry ID |
6 | Vendor Name | Partner Name | NA | abc333 |
7 | Client SKU ID/EAN | client sku id | NA | abc244 |
8 | Extra / Excess | Extra : When we receive more quantity than expected for an sku’s which is already present in PO. Excess : When we receive items for sku’s that are not present in PO. | NA |
9 | Extra / Excess Qty | Extra / Excess Quantity | NA | 123 |
10 | Brand | Brand | NA | abc345 |
11 | Category | Category | NA | abc123 |
12 | Style ID | Style | NA | acb345 |
13 | SKU Desc | Sku description | NA | abc345 |
14 | MRP | MRP | NA | 123.50 |
15 | Color | color | NA | abc134 |
16 | Size | Size | NA | abc433 |
17 | Tax | Tax Rule | NA | abc123 |
18 | HSN | HSN ID | NA | abc123 |
19 | Image URL | Image url of SKU |
| abc123 |
Filters | Description | Limitation | |
1 | Client | Name of the client | Mandatory |
2 | Fulfilment Location | Name of the Fulfilment Location | Mandatory |
3 | PO Created From - PO Created To | To filter the report based on PO Created Time |
4 | Gate Entry From - Gate Entry To | To filter the report based on Gate Entry Time |
5 | External Invoice ID | Vendor Invoice ID | Single Input |
*sm : At least one of the filters tagged with this is a MUST to submit a report request.