Inward Report at Item Level - WMS
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Provides Items inwarded against a PO with their GRN, Putaway and Bin Change timestamps.
Fields | Description | This Column Can be NULL | Sample Data | |
1 | Client Name | Client to which the order belongs | NA | Increff |
2 | Fulfillment Location Name | Warehouse to which the order belongs | NA | wms_hsr |
3 | System Order ID | System Order ID | NA | 324421 |
4 | Channel Order ID | Channel Order ID | NA | abcd123 |
5 | Parent Order ID | Parent Order ID | NA | abcd123 |
6 | Order Type | Type of Inward Order | NA |
7 | Vendor Name | Partner Name | NA | abc333 |
8 | Item ID | Item ID | NA | 434214324 |
9 | Item Status | Status of the Item | NA |
10 | Item QC Status | QC Status of the Item while inwarding |
11 | Bin QC Status | QC Status of the Bin | If Item is Outward-ed |
12 | External Item Code | External Item Code | NA | abcd123 |
13 | Client SKU ID / EAN | Client SKU ID | NA | abcd123 |
14 | UOM SKU | Boolean - If UOM SKU or not | NA | 0 or 1 |
15 | Each Client SKU ID | SKU ID of each Item | If not a UOM SKU | abcd123 |
16 | Each Qty | Each Qty in box | If not a UOM SKU | 34 |
17 | Gate Entry ID | Gate entry ID | If not yet inwarded | 23455 |
18 | Gate Entry Time | Gate entry time | If not yet inwarded | 2023-01-01 12:34:56 |
19 | GRN Time | GRN Time | If not yet GRNed | 2023-01-01 12:34:56 |
20 | Bin Change Time | Bin Change Time | If not added to any Bin after inward | 2023-01-01 12:34:56 |
21 | Bin Change Description | Bin Change Description | If No Bin Change has been done after inward | 2023-01-01 12:34:56 |
22 | Old Bin ID | Old Bin ID | If No Bin Change has been done after inward | 465787456 |
23 | Putaway Time | Put away time | If Putaway hasn’t been done after inward | 2023-01-01 12:34:45 |
24 | Putaway Description | Put away description | If Putaway hasn’t been done after inward | abcd123 |
25 | Putaway Bin ID | Putaway Bin ID | If Item is not made LIVE yet | 86457654 |
26 | Putaway Bin Location Name | Putaway Bin Location Name |
| abcd123 |
27 | External Serial Code | External serial code | If not mapped in DB in inward ledger | abcd123 |
Filters | Description | Limitation | |
1 | Time Zone | To show data in the specified time zone | Mandatory |
2 | Channel Order ID | Channel Order ID | Mandatory (Multi Text) |