Receive inward Boxes Against ASN

Receive inward Boxes Against ASN

Receive inward Boxes Against ASN

We have introduced the "Receive Inward Boxes Against ASN" screen. This new screen simplifies the process of receiving inward boxes by allowing users to scan box codes and receive boxes seamlessly, without additional toggles or complexities.


  • Streamlined workflow for receiving boxes and Reduced manual effort.

    • Gate Entry ID is not required for this screen, as it is exclusively designed for receiving boxes with pre-existing box information in the ASN.

    • No need to mark Box Receiving Complete.

  • Enhanced accuracy and real-time visibility of box details(whether sample QC is required or not) based on which user can decide to directly send boxes for sample QC.

This screen covers:

  1. Box Scanning: Users can scan box codes to instantly view details such as Purchase Order (PO), Advance Shipment Notice (ASN), and the item count within the box.

  2. Automated ASN Matching: When a scanned box code matches an existing ASN, the system automatically associates the box with the corresponding ASN. No need to mark Box Receiving Complete.

  3. Quality Control (QC) Indicator: Boxes requiring separation for sample QC are highlighted, ensuring seamless identification and prioritization.

  4. Error Handling for Unknown Boxes: If an unrecognized box code is scanned, an error message is displayed, guiding users to take corrective action.

  5. Integrated Navigation: Users can navigate to this screen directly from:

    • The Search Gate Entry screen by pressing the Receive button.

    • The Home Screen without needing a Gate Entry ID.


Steps to access Receive inward Boxes Against ASN:

  1. Go to WMS home page.

  2. Click on Receive inward Boxes Against ASN

  3. Pallet code scan can be enabled or disabled using a toggle by the user.

  4. Scan External Box Code.

  5. On scanning the External Box Code, the box details are shown to the user.
    Here, Sample QC Required or Not Required will be displayed.
    If Sample QC is Required, such boxes can be sent directly for Sample QC process. Else, such boxes can be put away to Inward Staging Area.

  6. In case the Scan Pallet Code toggle is on, scan pallet code. A success message would be displayed.

  7. Scan the next External Box Code and repeat the same steps.


The below screenshots represent both scenarios where Sample QC for the box is required and not required.

Marking Receiving as Complete (means all boxes are scanned)

Once all boxes against the ASN are received, we need to complete the receiving boxes.

In Search Gate Entry, Go to Mark received to mark receiving as completed.


Click All Boxes Received to complete receiving of all boxes. If more boxes are to be received, click Receive More Boxes.



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