Box Inspection process

Box Inspection process

Box inspection refers to the part process of sample QC, where a box and all its items are scanned, QC check is done and accordingly, On basis of item QC, the items are then placed in same box, a QC-reject-box or in an extra-item-box.

  1. If the item is found as QC fail, A rejected Box ID should be printed and scanned. At the same time, the item is to be added in the rejected box.

  2. If the item is QC passed, it will be placed and mapped to the same inward box.

  3. If the item is Extra it will be mapped to Extra boxes.

It’s necessary to do the inspection for all items present in the box during the Inspection.

Scanning items and doing QC

  1. Scan the inward box code.

  2. Open the box physically. Preferably take out all items from the box as the same box has to be used to keep the QC pass items.

  3. Scan the items one-by one.

  4. The item would be placed in same box if QC pass, else in a reject-item Box if QC is its fail, else in an extra-item box if item is extra.

On every item scan, perform QC for item. This is very similar to GRN screen.

The SKU details are visible on the box inspection screen for the QC.

On finding an item as QC fail, generate a reject-item box or use existing one.

Choose the QC fail reason and Scan the the Rejected box ID while placing the item into box.

Extra Item Scenario

  • If an item was not expected in the PO and it was found in an inward box, the User will have to to print an “Extra-item Box” and scan items to it.

  • In case, the item was not part of ASN item mapping, and the same is received here, then also user will have to add it to “Extra-item box”.

  • Scan box code and item code. Add to extra box pop-up is displayed.

  • Print the extra box id if not already printed.

  • Scan the Item code and Extra box code while adding the item to that box physically.

Error messages

If mistakenly, different Item ID(which is already inspected) is scanned, the below error message is displayed.


Audit Log for Boxes

For any storage, crossdock box, the audit log can be checked in the Audit log screen of WMS.


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