Gate Entry Search and Create

Gate Entry Search and Create

Search Gate Entry

Search filters in gate entry screen has been optimised. Gate Entries can be search by these params

  • Date, Client and Supplier

  • Internal Po No

  • Document No

  • ASN Code

  • Gate Entry Id


Let’s try searching by Gate entry.


We can expand the gate entry to see more details by clicking the specific gate entry row.

  • All documents like invoice, LR/AWB/BL and State tax forms are present in a row.

  • Box details with Box Codes, Inspection Required(YES/ NO), and Box Status are displayed in tabular form.

Mobile View for Search Gate Entry Screen

Redirections from Search Gate Entry Screen

Actions for a specific gate entry are listed under the Action header, allowing users to easily redirect to the desired option. These buttons are dynamically enabled or disabled based on the next applicable action.

For example, The available actions for redirection in an Open Gate entry are:

  1. Receive Boxes

  2. Complete Receiving

  3. Close Gate Entry

Another example, The available actions for redirection in an Inward Box Received Gate entry are:

  1. Picking for Inspection

  2. Storage Picking

  3. Gate Entry Approval

  4. Close Gate entry

Gate Entry Creation

A new gate entry can be generated using the gate entry creation screen.

Box Id Printing is done using “Receive box Screen”.


  • Increff WMS now supports The external box IDs to be used while receiving. Based on a configuration available at Receive Inward Box screen, user can decide to internally generate box ID from Increff system or use already printed box sticker coming sticked from supplier(generated either using the Increff Serial Code Application or client tool)

  • Since there is a limit of 500 box IDs that can be printed at once. Introducing the option to generate the box IDs in a separate screen would enable the printing of more box IDs in the next Iteration (if the number of boxes exceeds 500).

Redirection to receive boxes during gate entry creation

If the user wants to just create a gate entry, he can click on the Submit button.

But if the user wants to redirect to the Receive Boxes screen, he can click on the Submit and Receive Boxes button.

Redirection at Search Gate Entry screen

In case the user has not decided to redirect to the Receive Inward box screen during gate entry, the user can later search the gate entry as shown below and find the option to manually redirect to the Receive Inward box screen.

Alternatively, the user can go to the WMS home page and find the Receive Inward Boxes icon.

Inward Box reprinting in Reprint Stickers screen

Inward Box IDs can be reprinted in the Reprint Stickers screen. This would be required if the box stickers are torn/ faded/damaged.

  1. Go to Sundry->Reprint Stickers

  2. Go to the Inward Box Code tab

  3. Upload the Inward Box Ids to be reprinted in a CSV file. maximum row limit at a time is 50.

The audits for ‘reprinting box stickers’ are present at a warehouse level.

Inward box reprinting action is applicable only for wms_supervisor and not for wms_operator role

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