Gate Entry Approval

Gate Entry Approval


Gate entry approval in the boxwise inwards flow of a WMS adds an essential layer of control, verification, and resolution of issues to the overall receiving process, ensuring the integrity of the incoming inventory and facilitating smooth downstream operations within the warehouse.


The gate entry approval process is done in the warehouse once the receiving and sample QC process for boxes is done as per the set inspection percentages.


The gate entry (for the given purpose) can be approved after resolving the possible issues

  • Some items in these boxes were not received in the inspected boxes.

  • Some items expected in these boxes are marked as permanently lost.

  • These items were not expected as a part of this gate entry.

  • Some items in these boxes were received in other boxes.

  • Extra items in extra boxes are displayed (if this case is true for CD boxes, the Approval cannot be done. The user should inspect all extra boxes and only then approval can be done)

During the approval/decision-making process, the user can take the following action:

  • Reject all the remaining non-inspected boxes.

  • Reject some of the boxes, here the remaining boxes will be approved.

  • Approve all the remaining boxes.

Navigation to gate Entry Approval

Go to the WMS → Inward → Gate Entry Approval screen.


Display inspection report with the following details

  • Total box count, number of boxes for which inspection is done, inspection pending box count, extra item count

  • The data is displayed in graphical form for Inspection pass percentage, inspection fail percentage and Minimum QC pass percentage.

  • The data is displayed in graphical form for received items and missing items percentage.


The table is displayed with the following details:

  • Box code

  • Expected Item count

  • Received Item count

  • Qc pass Item count

  • Qc fail Item count

  • Missing item count

  • Excess item count

  • Box Inspection status

  • Is inspection required (if inspection was required for this box?)

  • Location


The user enters the gate entry ID and purpose(Storage or Crossdock). The image on the right shows an example of Storage.


Resolving issues before approval

  • Some items in these boxes were not received in the inspected boxes.

  • Some items expected in these boxes are marked as permanently lost.

  • These items were not expected as a part of this gate entry.

  • Some items in these boxes were received in other boxes.

  • Extra items in extra boxes are displayed (if this case is true for CD boxes, the Approval cannot be done. The user should inspect all extra boxes and only then approval can be done)


For Storage Boxes

Extra items in extra boxes are displayed. Those extra items would have to be removed during Box GRN.

The details of items and boxes are shown if those were expected to be present in different box of same gate entry.

In inspected boxes, if some items were expected and found missing during inspection, the Box and Item code information is displayed.

The item details are displayed if some items of any boxes are already received in some or other warehouse.

The approver can get the sample QC done for those boxes.

If some items expected in these boxes are marked as permanently lost, the item IDs are displayed.

If some items were not expected as a part of this gate entry, the Item code and Box codes are displayed.

For Crossdock Boxes

Items in extra boxes are displayed

if there are any extra items this case is true for CD boxes, then without removing these boxes Approval cannot be done.

The user should inspect all extra boxes, remove the extra items and only then approval can be done)



Marking Inspection required Compulsory for Boxes which were not inspected yet
This can be required if the QC pass percentage is lower than expected or there has been a comparatively higher count in excess or missing than expected.

Users can mark isInspectionReq false boxes in Received status as isInspectionReq true.

Marking boxes as Rejected with QC Fail reason during gate entry approval

At this stage, some boxes can be rejected by the approver and the approver can select QC Fail reason before approval.

Post this the boxes will be marked as Rejected with chosen QC Fail reason.

Now, the final count of approved and rejected boxes with inspection pass percentage is displayed.

Based on this the approver can either go ahead with approval or get further inspection done for non-inspected boxes.

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