Return Order Flow

Return Order Flow

For return AWB generation, there are multiple flows possible.

Return Order Creation Flow 1 (Applicable just for Clickpost)

  • Clickpost provides a plugin that can be used by clients on their customer facing websites. ( plugin name and link)

  • So, when a customer places an return order on the website, using this plugin the return order will be created on Clickpost


  1. Customer places a return order on the customer facing website.

  2. The Clickpost plugin creates a return order on the Clickpost panel.

  3. Clickpost sends an update to RMS that the return order has been placed on the Clickpost panel.

  4. RMS makes a notification API call to Client’s system for the return order creation.

  5. Client’s system now makes the Create Return Order API call of WMS Magic 2 to push the return order to Increff WMS

  6. Clickpost sends the tracking updates for the return orders to RMS (when the return order is picked up, when the return order is in transit etc.)

  7. RMS makes the notification API calls to the Client's system for these updates.


Return Order Creation Flow 2

  • In this scenario, when the Customer places the return order on the brand website, the client’s system makes the create return order API call to RMS

  1. The Customer places a return order on the brand website.

  2. The Client’s system makes the create return order API call to RMS

  3. RMS makes the return awb generation API call to logistic aggregator.

  4. The logistic aggregator generates the return awb at its end, and returns the details in the response.

  5. RMS returns the return awb details in the response to Client’s system

  6. Client’s system now makes the Create Return Order API call of WMS Magic 2 to push the return order to Increff WMS

  7. Clickpost ( logistic agregator) sends the tracking updates for the return orders to RMS (when the return order is picked up, when the return order is in transit etc.)

  8. RMS makes the notification API calls to the Client's system for these updates.


Return Order Creation Flow 3 (No involvement of RMS)

  1. The Customer creates a return on the customer facing Website.

  2. The client’s system makes the API call to Logistic Aggregator to generate the return AWB.

  3. The logistic aggregator returns the return awb details in the response.

  4. The client’s system then uses these details and pushes the Customer return order to WMS Magic.

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