MS E Inter Store Transfers FAQs

MS E Inter Store Transfers FAQs





Some SKUs/EANs are not getting depth even though they have ROS and there is quantity available in consolidated pool

The sku depth is based in the size set, we might be suggesting more depth in some other better selling size

Some SKUs/EANs are moving from high ROS store to low ROS stores, Why?

The high ROS store has excess stock while the low ROS store has gap in planogram

Why stock not moved from one particular stores during outwarding

Check if the outwarding flag is set to 1

Why a store-style with no ROS receiving stock

It will keep a min on 1 unit per size to maintain the health of the option

Why was complete size sets not moved from bottom ROS to top ROS.

  1. The stock from bottom store will be outwarded only if it is excess in that store or a bottom seller.

  2. The inwards will only happen in the top ros/ranking store based on the ROS, so only the rquired qty at the store will be send which might not be same as size set.

Why inwarding in IST is not happening for a store-style combination

Inwarding will only hapen if there is ROS for the store and enough stock available to satisfy the requirement. Check all the conditions necessary for replenishements like whstock availability, PSA benchmark. Note: Pivotal sizes with 0 ROS will get 1 unit as replenishment but NP sizes with 0 ROS will not get any stock.

Why outwarding in IST is not happening for a store-style combination

Outwarding of a style is only happen if it is outside planogram, broken of bottom seller

Why is COMPLETE Pull back happening.

  1. Check the replenishment conditions, it might not be meeting some of the conditions required for it to be sent to a store like PSA benchmark etc.

  2. Check if inwarding is enabled in IST store list

Why styles is going to unplanned stores.

Disable inwarding for stores you don't want to send stock to

Why we are sending one qty in one size and taking out from other size

We try to consolidate sizes in the best performing stores. Hence whichever size is performing better at a store will bbe kep and others can be moved to a high ROS store

Maintain minimum 1 piece in stores after the suggested movement

We try to maintain min sku depth in the store. It will be outwarded if that piece is above the cover required, above the planogram quantity or is unhealthy stock . After outwarding we send them to the stores with high capability of selling according to the store style ranking and capacity.

How to restrict movement of certain styles to particular stores

The store style combination can be given in exclusion list which will make sure that style is never allocated to the store

How to keep a particular style at a store at all times

The store style combination can be given in inclusion list which will make sure that style will be allocated to the store before any other style is allocated

Sell through is high but still movement is suggested from that store

The allocation is basis store-style ranking which uses rev/day as a parameter. We follow this as rev/day is a better indicator than qty/day which is printed in the output. We print ROS ( qty per day) in output as allocation happens on the basis of (qty/day)*cover days

Sell through is 0 in certain cases, so why is the movement happening

The allocation is basis store-style ranking which uses rev/day as a parameter. We follow this as rev/day is a better indicator than qty/day which is printed in the output. We print ROS ( qty per day) in output as allocation happens on the basis of (qty/day)*cover days

Why movement is being suggested to a store even though it has stock for that style

Movement is suggested if the health of the style is less than the outwarding PSA% and the stock for the style is more than the cover required.

Why is stock being pulled back when it can be sent to other stores

We try to send the stock from outwarded stock back to the stores but if the style doesn't meet any of the below conditions it will be pulled back:

  1. If health is less than the inwarding PSA %

  2. No stock is available in the outwarding pool.

high ros to low ros movement

The allocation is basis store-style ranking which uses rev/day as a parameter. We follow this as rev/day is a better indicator than qty/day which is printed in the output. We print ROS ( qty per day) in output as allocation happens on the basis of (qty/day)*cover days.

Why certain pivotal sizes are not being sent

The movement happens to maintain the min pivotal size availability %. For example is PSA% is 60% , out of 5 pivotal sizes identified only 3 should be available according to the PSA%. If you want to maintain all pivotal sizes then we have to keep piv size availability as 100%.

Why there is high number of bottom sellers

The bottom sellers can be reduced by changing the configurations in pullbacks section. If no bottom sellers are to be identified then Revenue per day benchmark for Bottom Sellers can be changed to 0.

How can I send two colors together in stores

can be handles by adding these styles in style grouping

where do I get the remarks for reasons of outwarding a particular style

The remarks can be found in Reasons -Non Allocation report in reports section.

There might be a issue that you find the end date stock as 1 and outwards from that store is 2 or 3

In that case please check GIT and Open Orders also because tool consider git and open orders also as a part of Stock on Hand at the store