MS E Dynamic Markdown FAQs

MS E Dynamic Markdown FAQs





If I have given warehouse stock, how will the system arrive at sell through for each quantity

We have an option of splitting the warehouse inventory to stores according to the ROS of each store. The sell through will be calculated by the sales quantity/(sales quantity+store stock+warehouse stock)

How does inventory split work in case of both online and offline channels using the same warehouse

if same warehouse is mapped to different channels, then also the warehouse stock will be getting split on the basis of store ROS

If i consider ageing as a factor, does the system look at inwards to warehouse from a future date?

the inwards to warehouse is not considered. The ageing is calculated from the first live day at the store in the last 6 months

If max discount is lesser than starting discount

Max discount always trumps . It cannot be breached so starting discount = max discount

If there is no sales in previous cycle then what happens to discount

If actual sales is not there of recent cycle, then actual sales of last cycle is take to get discount, if that is also not there, then previous suggested discount is taken. If none of them are present, discount will be taken as 0

What if the acting discount of a style is different for different stores in the same group?

The discount analysis and increment/decrease is suggested at a store group level performance, and also the idea is to keep the same level of discounting within stores in a same group. So the system will take the weighted average discount of that style across all stores in that group and suggest increment on the same

How to put seperate guardrails for a brand category

We can add more attributes as per the brand requirement, but have to be careful as more levels will increase the number of combinations for which the guardrails have to be provided. Guardrails can be provided at brand category and season type level

How are styles classified in a store group if they have same ROS

Unique ROS Values in same store group style group combination will be classified as same. For example two styles with ROS 1 will both be classified as High ROS styles in a store group- style group combination.

If the ROS for most styles in a group is 0, they will be tagged as Low ROS by default.

This may result in only high and low classification of ROS of styles (skipping Medium classification)
We are using unique ROS values for classification according to the percentile inputs

ROS is printed at what level in the output?

ROS is printed at store style level and unique ROS values has to be calculated at store group style group level (not printed anywhere in output table) to check ROS classification

Is there a way to not consider ageing while Lifecycle calculation

We can add all styles in style group in GRN for run date to get age as 0.
This was added to consider age flag in configure section now

When final_discount_action is DECREASE but current discount is already 0. Shouldn't it be tagged as continue?

It is a good insight for client that even though discount is 0, still there is a scope of decreasing discount (maybe increase in MRP). We have added a new field of final recommendation which will suggest to continue the discounts

how is Total DOH (store+WH) calculated

DOH=sum(wh_inventory+ store_inventory)/sum(raw_ros)

Are multiple warehouses allowed in the warehouse mapping?


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