Picking approved Crossdock boxes from Inward Staging Area
Upon gate entry and receipt of the crossdock boxes, they are stored in the Inward Staging Area. Subsequently, these boxes can undergo sample quality control (QC) and gate entry approval before being cross-docked.
To facilitate crossdocking process, it is necessary to pick the approved Crossdock boxes. The View Inward Staging screen will furnish details such as aisle location, box count, order ID, or SLA for crossdock boxes. This information can aid in prioritizing the picking of specific crossdock orders’ approved crossdock boxes. Alternatively, regardless of orders, the approved crossdock boxes can be picked.
The boxes which were picked for sample QC, after gate entry approval those can be directly sent for crossdock Staging Putaway or prepack staging area or packing based on workflow opted by warehouse.
However, if there is a delay in the gate entry approval process, crossdock boxes that have undergone sample QC may need to be put away back to the Inward Staging area and later on gate entry approval the approved boxes for crossdocking are picked.
View Inward Staging
Follow below steps to view the Crossdock boxes and inward staging location details:
Go to WMS → Inward Staging Area → View Inward Staging.
Go to the Crossdock View tab.
Apply the filters or search using Sub Order ID. This screen will provide information on aisle location, box count, order ID, or SLA for crossdock boxes.
In case overall inward staging area details like total locations, enabled locations, disabled locations, empty locations, boxes approved, boxes rejected etc are required, refer to the Overview tab.
Pick approved Crossdock boxes from the Inward Staging Area
Follow the below steps to pick the approved crossdock boxes.
Go to WMS-> Inward Staging Area->Pick Approved Cross Dock Boxes.
Order ID is an optional field here, the user can either pick the boxes Crossdock Order ID-wise or irrespective of order by scanning a location. The system suggests the locations to pick the boxes accordingly.