ASN, Box Code and Item Code Mapping Management

ASN, Box Code and Item Code Mapping Management


  • Box and Item code mapping details will be required by WMS to support box-wise inwards and crossdocking functionality.

  • Box and Item Code mapping can be created using CIMS UI or through APIs.

  • Below validations are present in the system to accept the box item code mapping.

    • Box and Item code mapping can be done against an ASN only after the ASN is approved. Note: Without using ASN functionality, Box and Item code mapping can’t be added in the system which is crucial for boxwise inwards and crossdocking.

    • SKU-wise total items in all the boxes that are provided in the CSV file/ API request, should not exceed the approved qty for each SKU in the ASN.

    • ASN-BOX-Item mapping can be requested multiple times (paginated) until gate entry is created for the ASN. For a box, the user should provide all item information at the same request.

ASN, Box and Item Code Mapping for Approved ASN

Box and Item Code mapping can be created using CIMS UI or through APIs. Please follow the below steps to map the ASN, Box codes and Item Codes at CIMS UI:

  1. Go to CIMS-> Box Item Code Mapping

    Screenshot 2024-01-24 151735-20240124-094754.png
  2. Select the Client Channel Pair, and Fulfillment location. Enter Channel Order Id and ASN Code against which Box Item Code mapping is required to be added.

  3. ASN details will be displayed as shown below.

  4. Download the CSV file.

  5. Add the Box Code, Item Code, Channel SKU ID, Purpose(Storage/ Crossdock), external Batch code, manufacturing date and expiry date in CSV file.
    External Batch code, manufacturing date and expiry date are required if the SKU is perishable.

  6. Upload the CSV file.

APIs for ASN, Box and Itemcode Mapping

New APIs


Reference Links

New APIs


Reference Links

ASN-Box-Item Code Mapping API

To streamline Bulk inward operations without taking out the items, now we offer the capability of sending the Box-Items mapping which are expected in an ASN shipment.

ASN Box Item code mapping API