Box Palletization- Simplifying Boxwise Inwards

Box Palletization- Simplifying Boxwise Inwards

Box palletisation is the process of arranging and securing boxes on a pallet for efficient handling, storage, and transportation. We have enabled palletization to simplify Boxwise Inwards. This method is essential for several reasons:

  1. Efficiency in Handling: Palletisation allows for the movement of multiple boxes at once, reducing the time and labor required for loading and unloading shipments.

  2. Space Optimization: By stacking boxes on pallets, space within warehouses and transportation vehicles is optimized, allowing for more goods to be stored and transported.

  3. Protection of Goods: Properly palletised boxes are less likely to be damaged during transit as they are secured and less prone to shifting.

  4. Streamlined Processes: Palletisation simplifies inventory management and tracking, as pallets can be easily labeled and scanned, providing real-time visibility of box details and locations.

Overall, box palletisation is a critical component in logistics and supply chain management, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs.


Increff WMS now supports the palletization. It involves several key processes and functionalities to manage the movement and storage of pallets within a warehouse or storage facility.

Pallet Configuration

Within location configuration, there is a tab for pallet configuration where users can upload a CSV file with fields to create, update, or enable/disable pallets.

Printing Configuration for Pallets

Users can configure pallet stickers in the same way as they configure other types of stickers.

Reprinting a pallet code sticker is possible if the original sticker becomes damaged or worn out.

Pallet to Location Putaway

After receiving the Boxes in pallet, do the put away of pallet to inward staging Location. The nearest empty location for putaway are suggested. Users can put away pallet to location.

Box to Pallet Putaway

Users scan boxes to add them to a pallet. A button is provided to scan the next pallet, resetting the screen for the next operation.

Pallet Management

The system allows for the removal of pallet associations with locations when all boxes are picked up. It also provides options to scan boxes if counts do not match.

Displaying Pallet Details in Inward Box Details screen

In the Inward Box Details screen, the system is designed to display pallet details. This includes showing whether a box is marked for sample Quality Control (QC). This enhancement is part of the workflow improvements to provide more detailed information about the boxes being processed, ensuring that users can easily identify and prioritize boxes that require sample QC.


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