Storage Picking and Box GRN
The Storage type Boxes that need to be inwarded and put away are picked from the Inward Storage Area and Boxwise GRN is performed on those boxes.
Once the gate entry is approved, Storage Picking and Box GRN is carried out for storage boxes.
The GRN boxes can be transferred to bin during Box GRN process.
Storage Picking
Go to WMS → Inward Staging Area → Sorage Picking.
Once gate entry approval is done, the GRN boxes can be transferred to bin.
The Storage picking can be done based pon box Status, inward Order ID or Gate Entry ID. Inward Order ID and gate Entry ID is not mandatory to choose while storage picking.
Below are possible box status to choose for picking.
All: All Storage Boxes
QC_Approved: All boxes which has been approved for QC.
QC_Rejected: All QC Rejected boxes where QC fail items were kept.
READY_TO_QC: The boxes which did not require the QC approval process and were just store in inward staging area just for smoother handling.
Pick By allows user to pick the boxes with chosen status gate entry wise or Inward Order wise.
Choose the Box status which you want to pick.
Choose Pick By if user wants to pick gate entry-wise or Inward Order wise.
Available Box Status to choose during Storage picking.
System keeps on suggesting the Location Code and Box Codes to pick the boxes. This process can be repeated until all boxes from the aisle are picked.
Follow the below steps for the Box GRN.
After the approval process, QC Pass/Fail items in the Inward Box with the purpose of STORAGE can be moved to a Bin through this workflow.
Scan the Box Code, the Box status and Item Count is displayed.
The user has to Print a Bin ID by clicking the Print Bin ID button.
Scan the Bin ID after sticking the Bin ID to the box.