Omni Sprint 65 Release Notes
We are pleased to announce the latest features and enhancements introduced in Increff WMS.
Following feature enhancements are covered in this update:
Item-based guided B2B Order picking
Consolidated B2B Order Picking
Marking permanently lost items from warehouse
Enabling and disabling of Aisles and Zones
Capturing delivery date and status of shipments
Capturing SKU Dimensions
Capturing external serial codes
Key Features
Consolidated B2B Order Picking
Release of picklists can be done in bulk for B2B orders. Further, picking can be done at the same time for a list of specified B2B orders.
Under the Release Bulk Picklist screen in WMS, a new section Multi-Order is added. From this screen, the list of B2B orders for which picklist release must be triggered can be uploaded using a CSV upload.
For picking items of multiple B2B orders, the Multi-Order Picking toggle must be enabled in the Bulk Pick Item screen. Once enabled, up to 10 bulk order IDs can be specified for picking.
The B2B Item Sorting screen can be used to sort the items picked against multiple B2B orders during bulk picking.
For more information, please refer to Consolidated B2B Order Picking in WMS
Enabling and Disabling Aisles and Zones
WMS module now provides the option to manually enable and disable Aisles and Zones from the Location Configuration screen.
Disabled Zones, Aisles, and Locations cannot be used for storing items.
Disabling a Zone will disable all the Aisles and Locations present inside the Zone. Similarly, disabling an Aisle will disable all the Locations present inside the Aisle
Enabling a Zone will not enable the related Aisles and Locations and they will have to be enabled manually. This also applies to enabling Aisles.
For more information, please refer to Enable / Disable Aisles and Zones in WMS
Item Based Guided B2B Order Picking
This feature provides a guided path for picking specific items of a B2B order
A CSV of item codes to be picked for an order has to be uploaded from the Upload Items for Order Picking screen in WMS module
The picking of uploaded items can be done from the Guided Item Based Picking screen under the B2B Picking section in WMS.
The nearest bin location from the scanned Location ID will be suggested for picking
Item codes of all items which are to be picked will be displayed in the pick suggestion
For more information, please refer to Item Based Guided B2B Order Picking
Mark Permanently Lost Items
WMS module now provides the feature to mark items as permanently lost from the warehouse using the Mark Permanently Lost Items screen.
Marking items as permanently lost is applicable in the following scenarios:
LOST items: Items that are physically lost and are not expected to be recovered.
NEW items: Item Codes for which item stickers are scanned, but there are no physical items in the warehouse.
A permanently lost item’s code cannot be used while re-inwarding any item.
For more information, please refer to Marking Items as Permanently Lost
Product Usability
Capturing SKU Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions (length, breadth, height) and weight of SKUs can now be captured from the Capture SKU Dimensions screen in the OMS module.
Dimensions and weight can also be captured for SKUs from the Products screen in the OMS module.
The Dimensions can be displayed on the WMS screens through Attributes Configuration.
For more information, please refer to Capture SKU Dimensions
Capturing External Serial Codes
External serial codes can be mapped to items after GRN from the External Serial Code Mapping screen in the WMS module.
At the time of product upload, the user can define if external serial codes are mandatory for packing that product
For more information, please refer to Capturing External Serial Code
Capturing Delivery Date and Status of Shipments
Increff WMS now has the functionality of capturing delivery date and status of shipments. However, marketplace integrations are still ongoing. Notifications for the same can also be sent to ERPs integrated with us if required.
For more information, refer to Delivery Updates in Increff WMS.
User Interface / Experience
In the Bulk Invoicing screen, a new button Print Invoice appears on the screen in case the shipment is closed successfully, but the invoice/shipping label generation fails.
The Item Code stickers of Perishable SKUs will have Internal Batch ID instead of External Batch ID.
All the screens in WMS that display batch details of perishable SKUs, now display both the Internal Batch ID and External batch ID.
The Return Gate Entry screen will display the Client Name in the Return gate entry details.
The maximum number of Displayable SKU attributes is increased to 16 in the Attributes Configuration in the OMS module.
A Warning / Confirmation popup has been added for turning Inventory Sync Off in Edit Client Channel in the CIMS module.
Figure 1: Confirmation popup for turning OFF Inventory Sync job
Screens in OMS Module
New Screens
Capture SKU Dimensions - The screen provides the functionality to capture SKU dimensions and weight.
Modified Screens
Products - length, breadth, height, weight, and isSerialCodeRequired fields have been added to the SKU template.
Screens in CIMS Module
Modified Screens
Client Channel - Pop-up has been added at inventory sync off.
Screens in WMS Module
New Screens
Upload Items for Order Picking - The screen provides the functionality to upload items for Item Based Guided B2B Order Picking
Guided Item Based Picking - The screen provides the functionality to pick based on suggestions provided by Guided Item Picking.
B2B Item Sorting - This screen provided the functionality to sort the items picked against multiple B2B orders during bulk picking.
Mark Permanently Lost Items - The screen provides the functionality to mark items as permanently lost.
External Serial Code Mapping - The screen provides the functionality to map External Serial Code for an item.
Modified Screens
Release Bulk Picklist - A new section Multi-Order has been added.
Bulk Pick Item - A Multi-Order picking toggle has been added
Location Configuration - Option to enable/disable zones have been added.
Piece Packing - A Pop up is displayed to map the External Serial Code if External Code is mandatory for that SKU.
Bulk Invoicing - A new button Print Invoice has been added in case Shipment is Closed successfully, but Invoice / Shipping label generation fails.
Return Gate Entry - The client Name is displayed in the return gate entry details table.
In all the screens where SKU attribute details are displayed, dimensions and weights are also displayed based on the Attribute Configuration.
Item Code Stickers of perishable SKUs will have Internal Batch ID instead of External Batch ID.
In all the screens where batch details are displayed, Internal Batch ID is also displayed.
Technology Architecture
ERP notifications will be posted even in case SKU listings are not uploaded for the ERP channel. For such postings, an additional barcode field will be sent, and the channel SKU code will be sent as null.
Report Changes
Following are the new reports added in this update:
Storage: Permanently Lost Item Details - WMS
Storage: External Serial Code Missing Items - WMS
Following Enhancements have been made to existing reports:
Reports in which new fields are added/modified
Report | Field added / Modified |
Outwards: B2B Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS | Shipment Status, Delivered_At |
Outwards: B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS | Shipment Status, Delivered_At |
Outwards: Order Status Report Detail - OMS | Item Uploaded? |
Storage: Inventory Available for Sales - OMS | Total Permanently Lost Quantity |
Storage: Batch Inventory Available for Sales - OMS | Total Permanently Lost Quantity |
Storage: SKU Master - OMS | Is_serial_code_required, Length, Breadth, Height and Weight |
Storage: Bin and SKU Level Inventory Snapshot - WMS | Length, Breadth, Height and Weight |
Reports in which new filters are added/modified
Report | Filter added |
Outwards: B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS | System Manifest ID |
Storage: QC Reject Reasons Report - WMS | QC Reason |
Outwards:Outwards: RTV Suggestions - OMS | Inward PO No |
New Reports
Storage: Permanently Lost Item Details - WMS
This report can be used to find the items and its details that were marked Permanently lost. Report can be filtered on Lost date and Type (LOST ITEM REMOVED and NEW ITEM REMOVED)
Storage: External Serial Code Missing Items - WMS
This report gives a list of items which are in LIVE, PICKED, PACKING, PACKED status, and its details for which external serial code is required but missing.
New Version Details
Module | User Interface Version | Application Version |
CIMS (Channel Integration Management System) | - | 9.1 |
OMS (Order Management System) | 9.6 | 12.1 |
WMS (Warehouse Management System) | 10.3 | 9.1 |
Google Chrome versions supported | 90.0 and above |
Have any Questions?
Please feel free to reach out: Increff Fresh Desk