Logistic Aggregator Solution Key Features

Logistic Aggregator Solution Key Features

Multiple Logistic Aggregator Configurations

  • Just like how multiple invoice configurations are possible, multiple logistic aggreagator configurations are also possible. They will be identified with the help of logistic account aliases which are configured on RMS UI. This logistic account alias will then be passed in the request payload of the API call which will be used to identify the logistic configuration to be used.

  • For example, there can be 2 logistic aggregator configurations exists at same time

Configuraton 1:


Account Alias




Account Alias



Toggle Enabled/Disabled




Configuraton 2:


Account Alias




Account Alias



Toggle Enabled/Disabled





  • If logistic-account-1 is passed as Logistic Account alias in the request payload, then the clickpost credentials associated with it (Username: clickpost-account-1 and API Key: abcd) will be used.

  • If logistic-account-2 is passed as logistic account alias in the request payload, then the clickpost credentials associated with it (Username: clickpost-account-2 and API Key: efgh) will be used.

Clickpost Integration Solution Features

Recommended Courier selection with Clickpost’s Recommendation API

  • RMS uses Clickpost’s Recommendation API to select the courier to be used to generate the awb and shipping label.

  • Clickpost’s Recommendation API returns a list of couriers ordered by priority, and RMS selects the first courier in the list (highest priority) to generate the awb and shipping label.

Secondary Courier selection if AWB generation with the first recommended courier fails

  • If awb and shipping label generation with the first recommended courier fails, RMS also has the provision of selecting the secondary courier to retry generating awb and shipping label.

  • This feature is helpful if the first recommended courier is not able to service the shipment for any reason.

Integration with Clickpost International APIs (for MENA, EU, US, SEA)

  • RMS is integrated with Clickpost’s International APIs as well. So Brands willing to fulfill orders in MENA,EU,US,SEA can also use RMS for generation of AWB and Shipping Labels.

Consumption of Invoices generated by couriers

  • Couriers like DHL and UPS have the provision of generating commercial invoices at their end.

  • This invoice is also consumed by RMS and is appended at the end of Shipping Label PDF.

Forward AWB and Shipping Label generation

  • There are 2 APIs available here:

    • Generate Shipping Label API - This generates the AWB and shipping label pdf ( public URL)

    • Get Shipping Label API - This fetches the AWB and shipping label from the Clickpost, whose shipping label was already generated

Return AWB generation

  • There are 2 APIs available here:

    • Generate Return AWB API - This creates the return order and generates return AWB on the Clickpost portal.

    • Get Return AWB API - This fetches the return AWB from Clickpost.

Notification Integration for Tracking updates

  • Notifications sent by Clickpost are forwarded to the client’s systems by RMS.

  • Notifications can be of forward orders containing the information about statuses (DELIVERED, OUT_FOR_DELIVERY,CANCELLED etc) and about return orders (RTO, RETURN_PICKED_UP etc.)

  • Upon receiving the notification from Clickpost, they are then pushed to the client systems based on the url configured.

Shiprocket Integration Solution Features

Recommended Courier selection with Shiprocket’s Pincode Serviceability API

  • RMS uses Shiprocket Pincode Serviceabillity API to select the courier to be used to generate the awb and shipping label.

  • Shiprocket’s Recommendation API returns a list of couriers ordered by priority, and RMS selects the first courier in the list (highest priority) to generate the awb and shipping label.

  • Note: This is an optional feature. So if it is not enabled, then no courier is sent to Shiprocket for generation of AWB. Shiprocket auto selects a courier at its end for generation of AWB and Shipping label.

Integration with Shiprocket’s Smart Re-allocation feature of Courier

  • Shiprocket has the feature of re-assigning a different courier to a shipment, if the awb generated with the first courier is not serviceable by that courier.

  • For example,

    • Initially, Delhivery courier has been used to generate the awb.

    • But Delhivery won’t be able to service this shipment.

    • So, Shiprocket assigns it to another courier, say Ecom Express.

  • RMS has the feature to recognize that this courier re-allocation has been done at Shiprocket’s end.

Forward AWB and Shipping Label generation

  • There are 3 APIs available here:

    • Create Order API - This creates the order on Shiprocket. The AWB has not been assigned to the order.

    • Generate Shipping Label API - This generates the AWB and shipping label pdf ( public URL)

    • Get Shipping Label API - This fetches the AWB and shipping label from Shiprocket, whose shipping label was already generated

Return AWB generation

  • There are 2 APIs available here:

    • Generate Return AWB API - This creates the return order and generates return AWB on the Shiprocket portal.

    • Get Return AWB API - This fetches the return AWB from Shiprocket.

Notification Integration for Tracking updates

  • Notifications sent by Shiprocket are forwarded to the client’s systems by RMS.

  • Notifications can be of forward orders containing the information about statuses (DELIVERED, OUT_FOR_DELIVERY,CANCELLED etc) and about return orders (RTO, RETURN_PICKED_UP etc.) ( insert api doc link)

  • Upon receiving the notification from Shiprocket, they are then pushed to the client systems based on the url configured.

Shipway Integration Solution Features

Forward AWB and Shipping Label generation

  • There are 3 APIs available here:

    • Create Order API - This creates the order on Shipway. The AWB has not been assigned to the order.

    • Generate Shipping Label API - This generates the AWB and shipping label pdf ( public URL)

    • Get Shipping Label API - This fetches the AWB and shipping label from Shipway, whose shipping label was already generated

Return AWB generation

  • There are 2 APIs available here:

    • Generate Return AWB API - This creates the return order and generates return AWB on the Shipway portal.

    • Get Return AWB API - This fetches the return AWB from Shipway.

Notification Integration for Tracking updates

  • Notifications sent by Shipway are forwarded to the client’s systems by RMS.

  • Notifications can be of forward orders containing the information about statuses (DELIVERED, OUT_FOR_DELIVERY,CANCELLED etc) and about return orders (RTO, RETURN_PICKED_UP etc.) ( insert api doc link)

  • Upon receiving the notification from Shipway, they are then pushed to the client systems based on the url configured.

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