Dynamic Markdown: Store group discount report
Column header | Explanation | Remarks |
day | date as on which the inventory is considered (run date selected while running the module) |
store_group | the group in which the store lies (from store grouping) |
master_category | style’s master category (from style master) |
category | style’s category (from style master) |
subcategory | style’s subcategory (from style master) |
gender | style’s gender (from style master) |
brand | style’s brand (from style master |
style_code | style’s code (from style master) |
style_group | the group in which the style lies (from style grouping) |
sku_code | ean (from ean master) |
suggested_discount_action | discount action as per the discount engine logic |
final_discount_action | final discount action after considering constraints like maximum discount, new styles, fresh discount, disocunt targets, etc |
current_discount | style’s/ SKU’s current discount |
discount_recommendation | final discount suggestion after consdering constraints like maximum discount, new styles, fresh discount, discount targets, etc |
remarks | reasons related to the change from suggested to final discount or interim to final discount recommendation |
age | age of style/ SKU |
store_stock | store inventory of style/ SKU |
raw_qty_sold | quantity sold without any cleanups |
raw_live_days | live days without any cleanups |
raw_ros | Rate of Sale without any cleanups |
wh_stock | warehouse stock (split on the basis of ROS if the respective flag is set to yes) |
actual_wh_stock | actual warehouse stock (without being split) |
Total DOH (store+WH) | days on hand calculated on the basis of store and warehouse stock, and the Rate of Sale |
true_lifecycle | age + DOH | dependent on if age is being considered as a factor |
true_lifecycle_level | categorization of lifecycle into leading, lagging, and on-course |
health | style’s health on the end date |
live_days | cleaned up live days |
qty_sold | cleaned up quantity |
True ros | cleaned up Rate of Sale |
ros_level | categorization of the Rate of Sale into high, low, and medium |
sell_through | sell-through of the style/ SKU |
sell_through_level | categorization of sell-through |
max_discount | maximum allowed discount (from discounting guardrails) |
season_type | style’s season type from style grouping |
number_of_stores | number of stores in the store group |