Getting started

Getting started

MS Enterprise™ is a B2B solution that needs to be set up by working with the Merchandising/ Category management teams of Brands/ Retailers.

It is a web-based software that needs no installation and will work on any browser.

MS consumes four major inputs

Transactional data

Can be extracted directly from the Brand without any manual intervention by setting up a daily flow mechanism into MS. Following are some of the transactional data

  1. Daily Sales & Inventory

  2. Returns

  3. Warehouse stock

  4. Goods in transit

Master Data

Has to be uploaded by Brands at the start of the season to update the masters with new stores or merchandise being launched. Following are some of the master data

  1. Product masters of SKUs and Styles

  2. Store Master

Constraints Data

Can be modified/ retained by the Brands depending on the use case for which MS Enterprise™ is being run. Following are some of the constraint-data

  1. Display capacity

  2. Annual Operation Plan or Merchandise Financial Plan

  3. Minimum order quantity by vendors, etc.

Algorithmic Parameters

Can be adjusted by the users to suit the analysis specific to their Brands’ functioning and fine-tune it accordingly. Follow are some of the algorithmic parameters

  1. Sales period to identify NOOS

  2. Minimum quantity to be sold by a style for qualifying as NOOS

  3. Benchmark to clean up liquidated and broken sales

  4. Replenishment frequency for stores

For more information regarding the pricing and a demo of the tool, please reach out to us.

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