Final Store Level Output
Column Mapping
Column Name | Description |
store | name of store |
store_code | unique code of store |
channel | channel to which store belongs |
store_class | class assigned to store in store master |
store_cluster | cluster mentioned for store in store master |
city | city in which store is located |
region | region of the store |
ean | ean code of style (unique) |
style | Unique code for style |
parent_style | parent code of style if any, otherwise same as style code |
style_description | description details of style code as mentioned in the style master |
master_category | master category to which style belongs |
category | category to which style belongs |
subcategory | subcategory of style |
brand | brand mentioned in style master |
brand_segment | name of the brand for which a particular article is belonged to in style master table |
season | season to which style belongs- AW/SS |
gender | gender of style as mentioned in the style master |
size | size of style |
size_group | size group- pivotal/non-pivotal |
initial_qty_at_store | Actually present at store |
ist_in_transfer | Any stock in movement due to inter store transfer |
goods_in_transit | Stock in transit from warehouse to store as on today |
open_orders | Stock reserved in warehouse against store as on today but not in transit |
dispatch_suggested | Stock suggested for movement from warehouse to store to address demand |
final_qty_at_store | Stock in store after implementing this replenishment output |
pull_back | Quantity suggested for pull back. Will be seen only if pullback is allowed by user |
type | type of iteration |
iteration_flag | Level of iteration where it was resolved |
segment | Top seller or Normal Seller. System identifies some styles as local top sellers for each store based on relative performance with the category this style belongs to |
remarks | Reason |
suggested_allocation | Stock required at store as per the demand. Rate of sale multiplied by cover days |
period_one_sales | Sales in the recent xx days |
period_two_sales | Sales in the recent yy days |
period_three_sales | Sales in the recent zz days |
period_one_ros | Rate of sale based on recent xx days sale. Rate of sale = Sales/actual live days for SKU in this xx days |
period_two_ros | Rate of sale based on recent yy days sale. Rate of sale = Sales/actual live days for SKU in this yy days |
period_three_ros | Rate of sale based on recent zz days sale. Rate of sale = Sales/actual live days for SKU in this zz days |
recent_sku_ros | Rate of sale based on weighted average of period 1 ROS and period 2 ROS. 80% of period 1 ROS + 20% of period 2 ROS |
pre_psa | Availability of pivotal sizes in store pre replenishment / overall number of pivotal sizes for that store |
post_psa | Availability of pivotal sizes in store after replenishment/ overall number of pivotal sizes for that store |