Create Item Wise Cross Dock Plan API (Beta)
Inbound | POST | /orders/cross-dock-plans/items
This API can be used to create cross dock plans at item level.
External systems can use this API to create cross dock plans at item level by passing SKU and Item information in the Request Payload.
Request Body
"channelCode": "meesho",
"crossDockPlans": [
"items": [
"batchId": 0,
"channelSkuCode": "sku1",
"itemCode": "item1"
"orderCode": "order1"
"locationCode": "loc1"
Field Name | Data Type | Meaning | Mandatory? |
| String | Unique code to identify a channel in Increff’s system. | No |
| Object[] | A list of cross dock plans to be created. | Yes (min size 1) |
| String | Unique identifier for a particular location. | Yes |
| String | Items for which cross dock plans are to be created. | Yes |
| String | Unique identifier for an order. This corresponds to the order to which the items belong. | Yes |
| Integer | Batch Id | no |
| Boolean | Unique identifier for an sku. | Yes |
| String | Identifier for an item belonging to a particular order. | Yes |
Response Body
HTTP status