Configuration for setting up Inward Staging

Configuration for setting up Inward Staging

Inward Staging Area

Inward area serves as an organized holding space for incoming inventory.

Inward Staging Area is utilized under the following conditions

  • When the Sample QC process is applicable OR

  • When cross dock boxes are received.

  • When a client is moving inventory

Multiple boxes may coexist in a single location, all associated with the same gate entry.

Several locations within the area can contain boxes from the same gate entry.

Location Configuration for Inward Staging

Please follow the below steps to configure the Inward Staging locations.

  1. In WMS, go to the Location Configuration screen.

  2. Go to the Configure Aisles tab and choose the Aisle type as Inward Staging. Aisle can be created by uploading the Aisle names in a CSV file by choosing the Action as create Aisle(s).
    Existing Inward Staging Aisles can be enabled and disabled using actions present in this screen.

  3. Go to the Configure Locations tab. Locations can be created by choosing Action type as Create location(s) and uploading a CSV file of the Location Name, Aisle name, and Distance.
    Additionally, locations can be enabled, or disabled by choosing the required action from this screen. Further, the distance for existing locations can be updated.
    ⚠️ NOTE:  Aisles cannot be disabled if live inventory exists in any of the bins in the aisle.

    The below table represents the CSV file format for creating locations.







  • locationName  This is the name given for a particular location.

  • aisleName  This is the Aisle to which the location belongs

  • distance  This denotes the relative distance of the location from the start of the particular aisle.