B2C Processing FAQs
What algorithms / analytics / ML / AI we are using to optimise warehousing picking?
We use pick path optimisation to improve picking efficiency.
Can we use the current nomenclature of the location or do we have to follow Increff’s nomenclature? And if we use our nomenclature would there be route optimisation?
Clients can use any nomenclature for Aisles and locations. Increff WMS takes distances of locations in aisles to do route optimisation. No repercussions as such. As long as they can give a distance of locations in aisles they can benefit from our picking algorithm. Also if you follow our suggestive nomenclature it will be easy to do multi-level sorting. But again depends on case to case as well.
How can ensure a picker is allocated orders and not items?
How does your system release the pigeon hole?
Pigeon hole picking is there.
How does the system follow FIFO in case the same SKUs with different inward dates are kept in the same bin?
Is the pick path optimised through ABC analysis? What factors are considered for the Optimisation?
Will your team also do the packaging change for items where the outer boxes are damaged?
This is a value added activity and is done in case we provide warehousing as a service.
I want to customise my dispatches to my customers like - their initials engraved or etching. Can you incorporate this request?
Gift labels and messages are supported. This request has to come from the brand's website, we can just pass on the message to the floor while processing.
We can prioritise by cut off time given by channel. How to prioritise by delivery time (delivery to end customer) or by logistics partner pick up time.
Channels expect us to keep every shipment ready before the cutoff time. They don't measure brands by pick-up time or by customer delivery time.
In B2B Dispatches, do we have a provision to gauge the weight of the box and attach it to the system database?
Yes, weight and other dimensions can be captured in the system and passed on to ERP via integration.