Migrating from Increff v0 to v1 OMS APIs

Migrating from Increff v0 to v1 OMS APIs


This page consists of all the details required to migrate from v0 OMS APIs to v1 OMS APIs which external systems can use to interact with Increff OMS system

API Endpoint Details

Below mentioned is the mapping of v0 Increff OMS APIs and v1 Increff OMS APIs. Please make note of these endpoints and the updated API details which needs to be changed in External systems to interact with Increff OMS system.

To check the new API details , please route through the hyperlinks in API Name header.

API Name

Old API endpoint (v0)

New API Endpoint (v1)

API Name

Old API endpoint (v0)

New API Endpoint (v1)

Listing Creation By External Fulfilment System (EFS) API

POST /push/skuListing

POST | /usp/listing/create

Update Inventory API

PUT |/sellfast/inventories/absolute-update

PUT | /inventories/incremental-update


PUT | /usp/inventories/absolute

Outward Order Events to External WMS API


POST | {Client’s URL}

Seller Cancellation from External Fulfillment System (EFS) API

PUT /sellfast/order/cancel-line-items

PUT | /usp/order/cancel


Create Picklist for Orders in Increff OMS

POST /sellfast/picklist/release

POST | /usp/picklist/create

Add Orders to PickList in Increff OMS

POST /sellfast/picklist/add-orders/id

POST | /usp/picklist/add-order

Pack & Get Pack Details from Increff OMS

POST /sellfast/pack/combined/{orderId}

POST | /usp/order/pack

Create Manifest in Increff OMS


POST | /usp/ manifest

Handover Notification to EFS

POST /sellfast/handover

POST | /usp/ handover

Combined Manifest And Handover API

POST | /sellfast/manifest/combined

POST /ewms/push/usp/handover/combined

Push Return Order Expectations to EFS


POST | {Client’s URL}

Return Order Processing Update


POST | /usp/return

Steps of Migration

Updation of Endpoints & BaseUrl

  • External system should update the API endpoints in their system which are mentioned above.

  • BaseUrl of Increff OMS system will be shared by Increff Customer success team during the onboarding process to new Increff OMS APIs.

Updation of Authentication Credentials

  • External system should update the API authentication credentials which are used to communicate with Increff OMS system.

  • Credentials should be sent in headers while making the API request as stated in the example below.

authUsername:Increff.user authPassword:Increff@user1
  • The credentials of the production environment will be shared by Increff Customer success team during the onboarding process to new Increff OMS APIs.

Creation of Listings for new Channel

Resyncing of Inventory

Since the new API endpoints and channels are now configured, EFS system needs to send the inventory updates again to Increff system so that resyncing of Inventory can happen without any inventory discrepancies between all systems (EFS, Increff , Marketplaces).

Only Absolute inventory updates are accepted by Increff system

Handling of Open Orders before migration

  • All the open orders which are pending to be processed by EFS should be marked as Completed or Cancelled in Increff OMS.

  • All the orders with open Picklists should be processed or picklists should be cancelled from Increff USP user interface.

  • Once all open orders are closed, the EFS system can create picklists for new orders which will be created against new channels in Increff OMS.

The return orders which will be created for the Forward orders processed against old channels will not flow to EFS

Configuring Order Posting Notifications

Below order notifications will be enabled with help of Increff Customer Success team once the Forward and Return orders will be started getting created against new channels from Marketplaces in Increff OMS.

  • Outward Order Creation Events to EFS

  • Push Return Order Expectations to EFS

Steps to turn ON the Notifications from Increff system

  • Go to Increff CIMS user interface

  • Navigate to Enable/Disable ERP Notifications screen and turn ON the toggles for the below notifications (as what is required by EFS system)

    • RETURN_ORDER_CREATE → This event will be triggered once any return order is created by any marketplace and will contain the return order details required by EFS system to process the same.

    • SUBORDER_CREATE → This event will be triggered once any Forward order is created by any marketplace and will contain the forward order details required by EFS system to process the same.

    • SUBORDER_COMPLETE → This event will be triggered once any sub-order which will be part of a parent order (if spliited by Increff OMS) is completed in Increff system

    • SUBORDER_CANCEL → This event will be triggered once any sub-order which will be part of a parent order (if spliited by Increff OMS) is cancelled in Increff system from Marketplace or from Seller (by EFS)

    • SUBORDER_PARTIAL_CANCEL → This event will be triggered once some line items or qty of any line item of a sub-order which will be part of a parent order (if spliited by Increff OMS) is cancelled in Increff system from Marketplace or from Seller (by EFS)

  • Go to Channel Mappings screen and turn ON the notifications for the respective channels which are requied by EFS.

  • Notify to Incref Customer success team to configure the API call back URLs and triggers for the notifications in Increff system.

Testing Process

Post the configuration of above-mentioned steps in the External system, testing can be done using Increff Simulator environment (ASIM) by configuring the necessary details.


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