Account Server 3.41 Release Notes

Account Server 3.41 Release Notes

The following feature enhancements are covered in this update:

  1. Description update for already existing domain resources.

  2. Searchable dropdowns on all screens.

  3. Bugfixes

Description Update for Domain Resources:

Now, if a resource is already created and someone tries to create another resource with same details, then only the description will be updated for the former.

Searchable Dropdowns:

All Screens including Organisations, Users, IP Management and Role Management Dialog have been modified to accomodate searchable dropdown to provide easy accessibility to users.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 4.46.40 PM.png
Role Management - Top Level
Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 4.47.05 PM.png
Role Management - Resource Level


During superadmin session, now for top level role management the resource level roles will be filtered out.