This API can be used by an ERP to update an inward order created in Increff.
To know more details, Please refer to PO Amendment Support in Increff Omni
This API can be used by an ERP to update Order line items for a certain Inward order
The new Inward Order Line Items replace the existing Inward Order Line Items after some validations.
Update for any Inward Order is allowed till the Inward Order is moved to State.
To move an Inward Order to Locked state, ERP can use
Once an order is , it can not be updated.
Note: Please note that the Custom Order or Order Item attribute key must be added in the OMS UI using screen Custom order/ line Item Attribute, else it can result into failure of order creation in Increff OMS system.
In cases where the Custom order attribute key is not defined and custom order or order item attributes are part of the Inward/Outward order creation payloads then the order would move to FAILED
status in CIMS.
Thus, Update Inward Order API would also need definition of Custom Order or Order Item attribute key in OMS beforehand.
Note: Please note that the Custom Order or Order Item attribute key must be added in the OMS UI using screen Custom order/ line Item Attribute, else it can result into failure of order creation in Increff OMS system.
In cases where the Custom order attribute key is not defined and custom order or order item attributes are part of the Inward/Outward order creation payloads then the order would move to FAILED
status in CIMS.
Thus, Update Inward Order API would also need definition of Custom Order or Order Item attribute key in OMS beforehand.
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Code to uniquely identify of the order in consideration | Yes |
{ "locationCode": "locationCode1", "orderItems": [ { "orderItemCode": 123354353, "channelSkuCode": "tshirt134", "orderedQuantity": 500, "sellingPricePerUnit": 230, "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "value1", "attribute2": "value2", "attribute3": "value3", "attribute4": "value4", "attribute5": "value5", "attribute6": "value6", "attribute7": "value7", "attribute8": "value8", "attribute9": "value9", "attribute10": "value10", "channelMetadata": { "key1": "value1" } } }, { "orderItemCode": 32423544, "channelSkuCode": "jeans123", "orderedQuantity": 500, "sellingPricePerUnit": 230, "orderItemCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "value1", "attribute2": "value2", "attribute3": "value3", "attribute4": "value4", "attribute5": "value5", "attribute6": "value6", "attribute7": "value7", "attribute8": "value8", "attribute9": "value9", "attribute10": "value10", "channelMetadata": { "key1": "value1" } } } ], "taxBreakUpForms": null, "orderCustomAttributes": { "attribute1": "value1", "attribute2": "value2", "attribute3": "value3", "attribute4": "value4", "attribute5": "value5", "attribute6": "value6", "attribute7": "value7", "attribute8": "value8", "attribute9": "value9", "attribute10": "value10", "channelMetadata": { "key1": "value1" }, "currency": "USD" } } |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Location code of the warehouse where this order is created | Yes |
| List<UpdateInwardOrderClientLineItemForm> | List of all the line items in the order that is to be updated | Yes |
| String | code to identify a line item | Yes |
| String | code to uniquely identify the product | Yes |
| Integer | revised quantity of the line item in consideration | Yes(min 1) |
| Double | revised cost price of the line item in consideration | Yes |
| Object | Custom attributes for an order item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an item | No |
| Object | Meta data for an order item on channel | No |
| List<TaxBreakupClientForm> | List of tax break ups. | No |
| String | Code to uniquely identify an SKU. | Yes |
| Double | Base selling price of an SKU. | Yes |
| List<SubTaxItemClientForm> | List of forms containing tax details charged on a particular SKU. | No |
| String | Type of tax being applied. | Yes |
| Double | Tax rate. | Yes |
| Double | Tax on a single SKU | Yes |
| Object | Custom attributes for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| String | A custom attribute for an order | No |
| Object | Meta data for an order on channel | No |
| String | Currency | No |
Empty |