Outbound | POST | {Client’s URL}
This API pushes the Sales Order level details to External fulfilment system
This API will call the External Fulfillment System (EFS) and send the details of Sale Orders and Sale Order line items.
This API trigger will be scheduled at a certain frequency by Increff OMS system at the following events:
The above listed events can be enabled or disabled from Increff’s CIMS user interface with help of Increff support team
{ "locationCode": "IN132", "messageId": 12345, "orderCode": "flipkart1234", "parentOrderCode": "flipkart1221", "orderTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "startProcessingTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "requiredBy": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+00:00", "paymentMethod": "COD", "isPriority": false, "channelName": "flipkart", "eventType": "SUBORDER_CREATE/SUBORDER_PARTIAL_CANCEL/SUBORDER_CANCEL/SUBORDER_COMPLETE", "onHold": false, "orderItems": [{ "clientSkuId": "1000889888", "channelSkuCode": "1000889888", "orderedQuantity": 2, "cancelledQuantity": 1, "channelDiscount": 50, "sellingPricePerUnit": 500, "giftChargePerUnit": 10, "sellerDiscount": 5, "shippingCharge": 0, "isVirtual": true }], "shippingAddress": { "name": "Customer's Name", "line1": "Line Address 1", "line2": "Line Address 2", "line3": "Line Address 3", "city": "city", "state": "state", "zip": "zip", "country": "country", "email": "abc@gmail.com", "phone": "9999999999" }, "billingAddress": { "name": "customer", "line1": "address line 1", "line2": "address line 2", "line3": "address line 3", "city": "Bengaluru", "state": "Karnataka", "zip": "560076", "country": "INDIA", "email": "abc@gmail.com", "phone": "9999999999" }, "virtualSkuDefinitions": [{ "virtualParentChannelSkuId": "sku_34", "virtualParentBarcode": "bar_43", "childSkus": [{ "channelSkuCode": "ch_sku_23", "barcode": "bar_32", "qty": 21 }] }] }
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Identifier of the location from which order is fulfilled | Yes
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify order | Yes |
| String | Order identifier to map the parent order with child orders | No |
| String | Channel name of the marketplace | Yes |
| String | Time at which order was placed at the channel by customer (in UTC) | Yes |
| String | Time after which order processing is allowed in the fulfillment system | Yes |
| String | SLA time before which order processing is expected to be completed | Yes |
| Long | Unique Identifier of a notification(for De-duplication) | Yes |
| String | It signifies the payment mode using which customer has placed the order Possible values → | Yes |
| Boolean | This flag is | Yes |
| Boolean | Identifier to be used to decide whether an order should be kept onHold for processing or not. Possible Values → | Yes |
| Object[] | List of order items | Yes |
| String | Scannable barcode on the product | Yes |
| String | SKU identifier of channel | Yes |
| int | Ordered Quantity | Yes |
| int | Absolute cancelledQuantity | Yes |
| double | sellingPricePerUnit | No |
| Double | giftChargePerUnit | No |
| Double | Discount provided by channel per unit | No |
| Double
| Discount provided by seller per unit | No |
| Double | Shipping charges on item | No |
| Boolean | Field to determine if an orderItem is virtual | Yes |
| Object | Shipping address of the customer | Yes |
| String | Name of customer | Yes |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | Yes |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | No |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | No |
| String | City of customer | Yes |
| String | State of customer | Yes |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | Yes |
| String | Country of customer | Yes |
| String | Email of customer | No |
| String | Phone Number of customer | No |
| Object | Billing address of the customer | Yes |
| String | Name of customer | Yes |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | Yes |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | No |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | No |
| String | City of customer | Yes |
| String | State of customer | Yes |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | Yes |
| String | Country of customer | Yes |
| String | Email of customer | No |
| String | Phone Number of customer | No |
| Object[] | List of virtual SKU definitions | No |
| String | SKU code of virtual SKU | Yes if its being used |
| String | Barcode of parent SKU | No |
| Object[] | List of child SKUs | No |
| String | SKU code of child SKU | No |
| Integer | Quantity of child SKU | No |
| String | Barcode of child SKU | No |
HttpStatus : 200