Term | Meaning |
Standard Attribute (Hard-coded Attribute) | The attributes of an SKU that is created by default during creation of the client. This includes: brandId, mrp, styleId, name, hsnId, color, size, category, grnToleranceDays, returnToleranceDays, imageUrl and taxRule |
Custom Attribute Key | Attributes keys/names that are created using the OMS Attribute Configuration screen. Up to 15 attribute keys can be created for a client. |
Custom Attribute Value | The value corresponding to a Custom Attribute Key for a specific global SKU |
For any SKU, there is a set of standard attributes (like MRP, color, etc.) that can be specified during the Product Master Upload. Increff OMS also provides the feature to define custom attribute keys and values for products.
However, out of both these types of attributes, a predetermined set of standard attributes is displayed in the User Interface during GRN, QC, Packing, etc.
This feature is to allow clients to specify the set of SKU attributes that must be displayed on the User Interface. This list can include both standard and custom attributes.
Figure 1: SKU Attributes displayed during GRN
Configurable properties of SKU attributes
Display Attribute in WMS Master Data
This is a user-configurable field that would allow the client to specify which attributes must be displayed as Master Data in the WMS screens.
By default (when a client is created), this property will be turned ON for the following standard SKU attributes:
GRN Tolerance Days
Return Tolerance Days
Figure 1: Attributes Configuration screen - Property to Display Attribute in WMS Master Data
⚠️ NOTE: At any point in time, a maximum of 10 attributes can have this property set as TRUE.
Highlight Attribute in WMS Master Data
This is a user-configurable field that would allow the client to specify which attributes must be highlighted in a noticeable color when being displayed in Master Data in the WMS screens.
Figure 2: Attributes Configuration screen - Property to Highlight Attribute (when the attribute is displayed in WMS Master Data)
⚠️ NOTE: At any point in time, a maximum of 2 attributes can have this property set as TRUE.Further, an attribute can be highlighted only if the Display property is TRUE for that attribute.
Figure 3: Custom SKU Attributes are Displayed and Highlighted in WMS Master Data
Use Attribute as a Search field during GRN
This is a user-configurable field that would allow the attribute to be searched instead of Client SKU ID during the GRN process.
Figure 4: Attributes Configuration screen - property to use attribute as a Search field during GRN
⚠️ NOTE: Only the first five Custom SKU attributes can have this property set as TRUE.