Order & Order Line Item Custom Attributes User Manual

Custom attributes for Order and Order Line Items can be created, viewed, and updated for both Inward Orders and Outward Orders.

Outward Order & Order Line Item Attributes

Outward Order & Order Line Item Attributes Configuration

  1. In OMS, a new screen is added under Outward Orders section to configure Order and order item-level attributes. Go to Order Attributes Configuration.

    Order Attributes Configuration for Outward Order
  2. As attributes can be defined at client level, choose the client.

    Client Selection in Order Attributes Configuration
  3. The order/ Order Line Item attributes which are configured will be displayed. Order Attribute Currency is a standard order attribute which is present in system by default.

    Displaying configured order/ order line item attributes
  4. To define a new custom order attribute, click on Add button. Enter the Attribute name and click Submit button.

    Adding new order attribute
  5. The added attribute will be displayed as shown.

    Displaying the added attribute
  6. The order attributes can be made Searchable, Displayable and Highlightable in various screens to users by clicking the small icons present against the attribute as shown below. The limit on these were mentioned in the beginning of this document.

    Searchable, Displayable and Highlightable attributes


  7. A Custom Order Attribute can be deleted by clicking Delete icon. Please note, an attribute can be deleted only when unselect Searchable, Displayable and Highlightable icons for that attribute(if any of those were enabled previously).

    Deleting a Custom Order Attribute
  8. Similarly, a Custom Order Line Item Attribute can be added by clicking Add button under Order Line Attributes.

    Add Order Line Item Attribute
  9. The Order Line Item attributes can be made Displayable and Highlightable in various screens to users by clicking the small icons present against the attribute as shown below. The limit on these were mentioned in the beginning of this document.

    Displayable and Highlightable in Order Line Item attributes
  10. The name can be edited for any custom order/ order line item attributes. Click Edit button.

    Editing name for any custom order/ order line item attribute
  11. Name can be edited now.

    Editing name for any custom order/ order line item attribute

Outward Order / Item Attribute creation during Outward Order creation

Outward Order / Item Attributes can be added for Single/ Multiple orders using the below steps.

  1. Go to Oms-> Outwards-> Create Order screen.

    Add Outward Order Attributes
  2. Please select the client & location. Based on the client, attribute keys are displayed.

  3. Select either Order or Order Line Item in the Attribute type to update.

  4. Please select the outward order/order item custom attribute keys that are applicable for the current outward order.

  5. Outward Order Item upload CSV will consist of the order/order item attribute fields.

  6. Please provide the details and upload the file. The maximum Row Limit for CSV with Order attributes is 5000. Maximum Row Limit for Order Line Item CSV is 10000 and Max. No. of Orders: 500

  7. On success, Outward Order/ Order Item attributes will be created for the outward order for the provided attribute keys.

Add Outward Order Attributes

Outward Order / Item Attribute update

Customer Support Panel

We have provided a mechanism to update outward order/order items for the outwards orders which are visible in the Customer Support Panel.

  1. In the Customer Support Panel, search the outward order.

  2. Click on the Edit Attributes icon.

    Edit Attributes in Order from Customer Support Panel
  3. Please edit the values for the order attributes.

    Submit Form to Update Attributes
  4. The functionality works as follows:

    1. If the attribute value is already present in the order, then it updates with the new value.

    2. If a new attribute is provided (which is defined in the client), then add the new attribute value for the order/order item.

    3. If an attribute value was populated for the order during order creation, but it is not provided during the update, the attribute value won’t be modified.

Outward Order/ Order Item Attributes values update screen in Outwards Create Order

Please follow the below steps to update the outward order attributes value. This is the same screen that is used to add the custom attributes for a new order.

  1. Go to outward Order-> Create order screen

  2. Go to the Add / Edit Custom Attributes tab.

    Add Outward Order Attributes
  3. Select the client and location.

  4. Select either Order or Order Line Item in the Attribute type to update.

  5. Based on Attribute type Selection, Select the outward order/ order line item attributes that need to be added/updated for the orders.

    Selection of Order Attributes to update
  6. Download the template

  7. Add data in a CSV & upload consisting of fields - channel order ID, attribute1, attribute2… (for multiple orders). The maximum Row Limit for CSV with Order attributes is 5000. Maximum Row Limit for Order Line Item CSV is 10000 and Max. No. of Orders: 500

  8. The update functionality works as follows:

    1. If the attribute value is already present in the order, then update it with the new value.

    2. If a new attribute is provided (which is defined in the client), then add the new attribute value for the order/order item.

    3. If an attribute value was populated for the order during order creation, but it is not provided during the update, it doesn’t modify the attribute value.


Outward Order/ Order Item attributes fetch/view

Outward Order Search Screen

The order and order item attributes will be visible in the Outward order search screen. This will be loaded only when a particular order is viewed.

Order Attributes in Search Orders

Sub Order Search Screen

The order and order item attributes will be visible in the Sub order search screen. This will be loaded only when a particular order is viewed.

Order Attributes in Sub Order Search

WMS Order Manager screen

The order and order item attributes will be visible in the WMS Order Manager screen on searching a specific order.

The order and order item attributes in the WMS Order Manager screen

B2C Picking screen/ Bulk Pick Item/ Guided Item Based Picking

We display the outward order/ order item attribute for the particular SKU/order for which the item is being picked.

Custom order/ line item attributes in B2C Picking screen/ Bulk Pick Item/ Guided Item Based Picking

B2C Packing screens

We display the outward order/ order item attribute for the particular SKU/order for which the item is being packed.

The order and order item attributes in B2C Piece Packing

B2B Packing screen

We display the outward order attributes for the particular order for which the item is being packed.

The order and order item attributes in Bulk Packing

Pick Order Group Search

  1. Select the client.

  2. In case outward order attributes are configured for the client, we have a drop-down with all the searchable attribute keys.

    POG Select Client and Dropdown
  3. The user can search based on order attributes, by selecting the required attribute key and providing the value that needs to be searched.

  4. All the eligible B2B orders with the attribute value for the given attribute key will be displayed.

    POG Order Attributes

There are some other screens where custom order/ order item attributes are shown:

  1. Recycle Desk


  1. Item Sorting



Audits are captured client level when attribute key gets created/updated. There are no order-level audits for attributes.

Inward Order & Order Line Item Attributes

Inward Order & Order Line Item Attributes Configuration

  1. In OMS, a new screen is added under Inward Orders section to configure Order and order line item-level attributes. Go to Order Attributes Configuration.

    Inward Order Attributes Configuration
  2. As attributes can be defined at client level, choose the client.

    client selection in Order Attributes Configuration
  3. The order/ Order Line Item attributes which are configured will be displayed. Order Attribute Currency is a standard order attribute which is present in system by default.

    Displaying configured attributes
  4. To define a new custom order attribute, click on Add button. Enter the Attribute name and click Submit button.

    Adding an order attribute
  5. The added attribute will be displayed as shown.

    Displaying the added attribute
  6. The order attributes can be made Searchable, Displayable and Highlightable in various screens to users by clicking the small icons present against the attribute as shown below. The limit on these were mentioned in the beginning of this document.

    Searchable, Displayable and Highlightable option for an order attribute
  7. A Custom Order Attribute can be deleted by clicking Delete icon. Please note, an attribute can be deleted only when unselect Searchable, Displayable and Highlightable icons for that attribute(if any of those were enabled previously).

    Deleting an order attribute
  8. Similarly, a Custom Order Line Item Attribute can be added by clicking Add button under Order Line Attributes.

    Adding Order Line Item attribute
  9. The Order Line Item attributes can be made Displayable and Highlightable in various screens to users by clicking the small icons present against the attribute as shown below. The limit on these were mentioned in the beginning of this document.

    Displayable and Highlightable option for order line item attributes
  10. The name can be edited for any custom order/ order line item attributes. Click Edit button.

    Editing name of an Order Line Item attribute
  11. Name can be edited now.

    Editing name of an Order Line Item attribute

Order / Item Attribute creation during Inward Order creation:

Inward Order / Item Attributes can be added for Single/ Multiple orders using the below steps. 

  1. Go to Oms-> Inards-> Create Order screen.

    Add Outward Order Attributes
  2. Please select the client & location. Based on the client, attribute keys are displayed.

  3. Select either Order or Order Line Item in the Attribute type to update.

  4. Please select the Inward order/order item custom attribute keys that are applicable for the current outward order.

  5. Inward Order Item upload CSV will consist of the order/order item attribute fields.

  6. Please provide the details and upload the file. The maximum Row Limit for CSV with Order attributes is 5000. Maximum Row Limit for Order Line Item CSV is 10000 and Max. No. of Orders: 500

  7. On success, Outward Order/ Order Item attributes will be created for the inward order for the provided attribute keys.

Inward Order / Order Item Attribute update

Inward Order Attribute update using Inward Create Order screen

Please follow the below steps to update the outward order attributes value. The same screen is used to add the attributes during inward order creation.

  1. Go to Inward Order-> Create order screen

  2. Go to the Add / Edit Custom Attributes tab.

    Inward Order Attributes
  3. Select the client and location.

  4. Select either Order or Order Line Item in the Attribute type to update.

  5. Based on Attribute type Selection, Select the Inward order/ order line item attributes that need to be added/updated for the orders.

  6. Download the template

  7. Add data in a CSV & upload consisting of fields - channel order ID, attribute1, attribute2… (for multiple orders). In case of Order Line Item, CSV contains channel order ID, Client SKU ID, attribute1, attribute2… (for multiple orders). The maximum Row Limit for CSV with Order attributes is 5000. Maximum Row Limit for Order Line Item CSV is 10000 and Max. No. of Orders: 500

  8. The add/ update functionality works as follows:

    1. If the attribute value is already present in the order, then update it with the new value.

    2. If a new attribute is provided (which is defined in the client), then add the new attribute value for the order/order item.

    3. If an attribute value was populated for the order during order creation, but it is not provided during the update, it doesn’t modify the attribute value.

Order attribute fetch/view

Inward Order Search Screen

The order and order item attributes will be visible in the Inward order search screen. This will be loaded only when a particular order is viewed.

Inward Order Search Screen

GRN / Stickering Item Screen:

We display the inward order and order item attribute for the particular SKU / order for which the item is being GRNed.

Inward Order/ line item attributes in GRN

The below screen reflects when the user needs to select an SKU out of multiple suggestions during GRN. Order Item attributes are displayed there.

Client SKU Select in GRN