During closing the box in the bulk packing process, it is important to ensure the accuracy of items added to the boxes when cluster picking/ Order picking with box scan/ B2B Sorting is involved. To avoid any operational errors that could result in excess items in the box, a mandatory step has been implemented to re-scan all the items in the box based on set configurations. This release introduces changes to the workflow and pack box behaviors to support this new requirement.
During bulk packing of items, in case the items are picked through cluster picking (and are already added to the box), there should be a mandatory step to re-scan all the items in the box. This is added to avoid any operational misses that might arise and lead to excess items in the box.
cluster picking and order picking and sorting.
Configurations added to Support Item Rescanning in Bulk Packing Process
A warehouse-level configuration is_close_box_validation_Req has been added. It’s a configuration to enable or disable box validation. The available options are:
DEFAULT: Use the default behavior.
TRUE: Enable box validation.
FALSE: Disable box validation.
Clients can get this configuration enabled by raising a ticket to the Omni Support team.
Another configuration close_box_validation_type is added at the warehouse level. It’s a configuration to define the validation type during box closing. The available options are:
RE_SCAN_ITEMS: Re-scan all items in the box.
COUNT_ITEMS: Count the items in the box.
By default, it is COUNT_ITEMS. Users can get this updated by raising a ticket to the Omni Support team.
is_item_rescan_req is a box-level configuration. This field indicates if re-scanning of items is required in the box. This will be TRUE if we have added even a single item to the box during cluster picking, order picking, or sorting.
The default value of the field is_item_rescan_req is FALSE.
Pack Box Creation
When creating an open pack box, the default value for the "is_item_rescan_req" field is set to FALSE. This field indicates whether re-scanning of items is required in the box. Since pack boxes are initially created with no items, the default value is set to FALSE.
Cluster Picking / Sorting
If items are picked through cluster picking and added to the box, the "is_item_rescan_req" flag will be set to TRUE.
The "Add item to box" API now considers a flag to indicate if re-scanning of the added item is required. The default value for this flag is FALSE.
The "is_item_rescan_req" field for the pack box is updated to TRUE when the item is added. If the field is already set to TRUE, no further changes are made.
Piece Picking / Other types of Bulk Picking:
No changes have been made to this workflow. The re-scanning requirement applies only to items picked through cluster picking.
Item / Pack Box Consolidation:
When consolidating items from a source box to a destination box:
If the source box has the "is_item_rescan_req" field set to TRUE, the destination box's "is_item_rescan_req" field will also be set to TRUE.
If the destination box already has the "is_item_rescan_req" field set to TRUE, the value remains unchanged.
After item transfer, if the source box becomes empty, the "is_item_rescan_req" field of the source pack box is set to FALSE.
B2B Packing:
If items are added to a pack box through B2B sorting desk, pack box consolidation, or B2B packing desk, re-scanning of items during packing is not required, given that the existing value of the "is_item_rescan_req" field is FALSE.
The "Add item to box" API should be triggered without providing any value for the flag. As the default value is FALSE, the "is_item_rescan_req" field for the box will not be updated through this flow.
However, if the pack box contains at least one item picked through cluster picking, re-scanning of all items becomes mandatory, regardless of the picking type for other items in the box, if the configuration is valid.
Pack Outward Boxes:
During the closing or packing of pack boxes, the user interface (UI) should display the "is_item_rescan_req" field for each pack box.
Along with this configuration, the warehouse-level configurations, "close_box_validation_type" and "is_close_box_validation_req," should also be read.
Behaviors to be followed in different scenarios should be defined based on these configurations.
We believe that these changes will enhance the packing process by ensuring the accuracy of items and avoiding any potential operational issues. Please refer to the documentation or contact the support team for further assistance or clarification.
In case the pack box consists of any one item which is picked through the “cluster picking”, then irrespective of type of picking for the other items in the box, in case the config is valid then re-scanning of all items becomes mandatory.
Below flow chart shows the workflow how system decides