Increff Merchandising Software - Enterprise Release Notes
Following are the enhancements/fixes in MS Enterprise with the latest deployment
New Version details
User Interface - 8.1.3
Application - 5.14.0
Algorithm - 12.23
The current release has been tested and will work best with Chrome version - 106.0.5249.119 or above.
Differentiating parent and project-level inputs: Inline notes and popup alerts have been added to parent inputs to prompt the user, differentiating them from the Project-level inputs
Enhanced Project inputs validations: New validations are added to the inputs in Project Settings for an error-free experience
Other Value Additions
Get familiar with the new changes/ enhancements
Differentiating Parent and Project-level inputs
Many of us may be aware that there are certain inputs that are common across all the projects created.
Uploading this input means that it will be updated across all projects and hence great care to be taken before uploading them
As a notification to remind the user of this fact we have added a note to differentiate parent and project-level inputs on the UI screen and
A confirmation pop-up to alert and take confirmation from the user before uploading these Parent inputs
Other Value Additions
Started capturing Net Returns Revenue and COGS of the returns
For showing margins in our BI, we already were capturing the Net Sales Revenue and COGS of Sales units
We have added provision and will be capturing the Net Returns Revenue and COGS of the returns
This will be included in the Margin calculation in the BI
Have any Questions?
Please feel free to contact your account manager if you have any queries.