Many times in order to save up time in API integration, we suggest to skip API integrations for masters and sync them by giving a dump on client’s FTP folder.
This is not the ideal recommended method, Ideally all data should come through API integration.
Here is the process how that can be done
The client will be posting CSV files with the complete snapshot in the required format in the expected folder structure once a day.
Azure Data Factory Pipelines will be segregating New and Updated masters line items by comparing the current day's file with the previous day's file and will call the respective omni standard APIs.
This Integration covers the automation of Master Data mentioned below.
Article Master
Vendor Master
Customer Master
Vendor Location Master
Customer Location Master
SFTP Details
Below are the SFTP details that will be required from the client.
Folder Structure
File | Folder Name | File Name | File name example |
Article Master | sku_master | sku_master<currentdate(yyyyMMdd)>.csv | sku_master20221015.csv |
Vendor Master | vendor_master | vendor_master<currentdate(yyyyMMdd)>.csv | vendor_master20221015.csv |
Customer Master | customer_master | customer_master<currentdate(yyyyMMdd)>.csv | customer_master20221015.csv |
Vendor Location Master | vendor_location_master | vendor_location_master<currentdate(yyyyMMdd)>.csv | vendor_location_master20221015.csv |
Customer Location Master | customer_location_master | customer_location_master<currentdate(yyyyMMdd)>.csv | customer_location_master20221015.csv |
File Format:
1. Article Master:
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
channelSkuCode | String | Code used by channel to identify an SKU.Client SKU ID to be passed here. | yes |
channelSerialNo | String | Unique code generated at channel side for that order item. Client SKU ID to be passed here. | yes |
barcode | String | Scannable code present on physical product that identifies an SKU uniquely. Client SKU ID to be passed here. | yes |
category | String | Represents the broad category this product belongs to | no |
brand | String | Brand of the sku | yes |
styleCode | String | styleCode of the product | yes |
mrp | Double | Maximum Retail Price of the product | yes |
hsn | String | HSN code of the product | yes |
imageUrl | String | Public image url of the product. This is used in warehouse at multiple stages to gain efficiency and accuracy | no |
name | String | Name of the product | yes |
taxRule | String | Rule used to compute tax as per Assure Tax Rule Table | yes |
size | String | Size of the product | no |
color | String | Color of the product | no |
isPerishable | boolean | Is the item perishable or not | no |
channelToleranceDays | Int | Days before getting expired upto which item can be used to fulfill orders created by ERP | no |
grnToleranceDays | Int | System will provide validation at the time of GRN if products is getting expired in less the grn tolerance days | no |
returnToleranceDays | Int | System will provide validation at the time of B2C return if products is getting expired in less the returnToleranceDays days | no |
isVirtual | boolean | Is there a virtual sku definition | no |
length | Int | Length of the product | no |
breadth | Int | Breadth of the product | no |
height | Int | Height of the product | no |
weight | Int | Weight of the product | no |
2. Vendor Master:
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
vendorCode | String | Code used by ERP to identify vendors | yes |
name | String | Name of vendor | yes |
isExcessGrnAllowed | boolean | isExcessGrnAllowed for the supplier | No |
contactname | String | Name of vendor | yes |
line1 | String | 1st line of vendor’s address | yes |
line2 | String | 2nd line of vendor’s address | no |
line3 | String | 3rd line of vendor’s address | no |
city | String | City of vendor | yes |
state | String | State of vendor | yes |
zip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor | yes |
country | String | Country of vendor | yes |
String | Email of vendor | yes | |
phone | String | Phone Number of vendor | no |
3.Customer Master
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
customerCode | String | Code used by ERP to identify customers | yes |
name | String | Name of customer | yes |
isExcessGrnAllowed | boolean | isExcessGrnAllowed for the supplier | No |
contactname | String | Name of customer | yes |
line1 | String | 1st line of customer’s address | yes |
line2 | String | 2nd line of customer’s address | no |
line3 | String | 3rd line of customer’s address | no |
city | String | City of customer | yes |
state | String | State of customer | yes |
zip | String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | yes |
country | String | Country of customer | yes |
String | Email of customer | yes | |
phone | String | Phone Number of customer | no |
4. Vendor Location Master
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
vendorCode | String | Code of already created vendor in Assure by ERP | yes |
vendorLocationCode | String | Code of new location to be added | yes |
gstin | String | GSTIN number | yes |
billingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
billingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
billingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
billingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
billingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
billingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
billingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
billingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |
shippingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
shippingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |
5. Customer Location Master
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
customerCode | String | Code of already created vendor in Assure by ERP | yes |
customerLocationCode | String | Code of new location to be added | yes |
gstin | String | GSTIN number | yes |
billingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
billingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
billingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
billingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
billingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
billingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
billingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
billingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
billingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |
shippingName | String | Name of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingLine1 | String | 1st line of vendor location’s address | yes |
shippingLine2 | String | 2nd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingLine3 | String | 3rd line of vendor location’s address | no |
shippingCity | String | City of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingState | String | State of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingZip | String | ZIP/Pin code of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingCountry | String | Country of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingEmail | String | Email of vendor’s location | yes |
shippingPhone | String | Phone Number of vendor’s location | no |