Increff Omni now supports the feature to include Stores as fulfillment locations along with Warehouses.
Fulfillment locations
Fulfillment locations are the locations from where orders can be fulfilled. Initially Omni only supported Warehouses as fulfillment locations. But now Stores are also added.
Types of Fulfillment locations
Partner locations
Partners means Suppliers and Customers. Previously we used the term locations for our partners locations but from now Partner locations is used.
Ask Increff Support team to setup O2O for you
Create a new Fulfilment Location in OMS of type Store
Workflow Added
New Channel Type - POS
A new channel type named POS is added.
⚠️ NOTE: Only locations of type STORE can be associated with POS.
Workflow Changes
Fulfillment Locations screen in OMS
The previous 'Warehouses' is replaced with Fulfillment locations screen
a glimpse of this page
The key columns in this view are
Location ID: unique ID for a location
Location Type: either Warehouse or Store
Contact Details: POC of the Location
Address: Location Address
Timezone: Locations’s Timezone
Adding new Location:
Enter all required data and click on Submit
For adding bulk Locations through CSV:
Click on Add new Location
Click on Bulk Upload tab
Download template and add data.
Upload CSV file and click Submit
⚠️ NOTE:
Location Type cannot be changed at a later stage.
In Bulk upload:
The type field should have only STORE or WAREHOUSE as input
timeZone field should have Zone ID as input.
Client Location Mapping screen in OMS
The previous screen with name ‘Client Warehouse Mapping’ is removed and a new screen for Client Location Mapping is added to Other settings section
The typical view of this page is:
The columns in this table are:
Client : Client Name
Location : Location Name
Location Type: either Warehouse or Store
Contact Details: POC of the Client-Location Pair
Client Billing Address: Address to be used for billing when order flows from this Client Location Pair
For adding new Mapping:
Click on Add new Mapping
Enter all required data and click on Submit
For adding bulk Locations through CSV:
Click on Add new Mapping
Click on Bulk Upload tab
Download template and add data.
Upload CSV file and click Submit
⚠️ NOTE:
For field billingAddressType possible values are:
Client (client address will be used as billing address)
Location (Fulfillment Location address will be used as billing address)
Empty (Address given in csv will be used as billing address)
Partner Locations screen in OMS
The previous screen with name Locations is renamed to Partner Locations.
POS Channel Mapping screen in CIMS
A new Screen ‘POS Channel Mapping’ has been added to Settings section
The typical view of this page after selecting Client and POS Channel is:
For configuring Updates for specific client-channel mapping click on respective Channel ID
Configuration settings:
Updates to POS channel for respective events can be turned ON/OFF