Once the Purchase Order is created in Increff WMS system, User can now amend the Order line items and can lock the PO in CIMS
IsInwardedPOAmendment Flag is added at Champ level
Client Channel Level property
When the value of this property is TRUE, post validation the Inward PO will not move to LOCKED state
ERP will have to move the Inward PO to LOCKED state from API endpoint
PO Created in CIMS -> Validation Happens in CIMS -> Once the PO is in LOCKED then only it moves to OMS
PO Line item can be amended and the whole absolute replacement happens by receiving a new request from ERP
Once the Inward PO is amended all the ASNs will again move to NEW state and again the validations on ASN happen in CIMS
When PO will move to LOCKED state?
As soon as the first ASN is approved the PO will be locked.
PO Locked API is hit by ERP