Within location configurationPallets play a crucial role in the efficient handling, storage, and transportation of boxes within warehouses. To enable box tracking using pallets, it is essential to first define pallets in the system.
Once defined, pallets can be used to consolidate boxes and either store them at designated storage locations or temporarily hold them in the inward staging area.
In the Warehouse Management System, under the location configuration section, there is a dedicated tab for pallet configuration where . This allows users can to upload a CSV file with containing the necessary fields to create, update, or enable/disable pallets, and reprint pallet stickers 1 2.
Create Pallet.
Pallet Creation
Follow below steps to configure the pallets in WMS.
Go to WMS Home->Location Configuration
Go to Configure Pallets tab.
Choose action type as Create Pallet(s)
Upload pallet code in CSV. Below is the CSV format.
palletCode |
Pallet Updation
The Pallet code can be modified using below steps:
Choose action type as Edit Pallet(s)
Upload updated pallet code in CSV. Below is the CSV format.
palletCode | newPalletCode |
Disable Pallet(s)
Any Pallet added previously can be disabled using below steps:
Choose action type as Disable Pallet(s)
Upload pallet code in CSV. Below is the CSV format.
palletCode |
Enable Pallet(s)
Any Pallet disabled previously can be enabled back using below steps:
Choose action type as Enable Pallet(s)
Upload pallet code in CSV. Below is the CSV format.
palletCode |