Error Code | Error Message | Screens | Reason |
W101 | Item : <itemCode> not present | Screens where item code is taken as input:
| If user is scanning invalid ItemCode or Item being scanned is not present in the system at the moment(it might have been dispatched). |
W102 | Item does not belong to ordered SKUs | Picking of Item(B2C or B2B) | If Item being scanned belong to SKU which is not the part of current order. |
W103 | Incorrect Item Picked | Picking of Item(B2C or B2B or Bulk Break Pick) | If the item being scanned belong to different SKU and batch than the pick suggestion. |
W104 | Bin : <binId> is not present | Screens where Bin Id is taken as input:
| If user is scanning invalid Bin Code or Bin being scanned is not present in the system. |
W105 | ItemTemp : <itemId> not present | Forward GRN, Return GRN | If Client is using Increff generated Itemcodes: If the ItemCode being scanned has not been generated in our system, error is thrown. |
W106 | Pick list(s) already released for order line item with SKU : <globalSkuId> | Item Based Picking | If user is trying to pick the order for which some of the picklist is already released and there is no pending quantity to release the picklist. Secondly, If user tries to pick Items more than ordered quantity. |
W107 | Incorrect bin | Picking of Item(B2C or B2B or Bulk Break Pick) | If the item being scanned is present in different bin than the Bin suggested during picking. |
W108 | Item <itemId> not associated with any order | Piece/ Bulk Packing Sorting | If the item is not associated with the current order. While adding items to pigeonholes or during sorting, if Item is not associated with any/current order. |
W109 | Item: <itemCode> already present in Bin: <binId> | Bin Putaway/ Item Putway | If the item is being putaway in the same bin |
W110 | Location : <locationName> is not valid | Screens where Bin Id is taken as input:
| If the location scanned is not valid. |
W111 | Order : <orderId> not present | If the order is not present in system. |
Top Error Codes and Errors in OMS
Error Code | Error Message | Screens | Reason |
O103 | Unable to map Return Order : <returnOrderId> since it is already in status : <returnOrderStatus> | Map Return Expectation To Received Return screen | This error reflects whenever the user wants to process the return gate entry item of the expected return order which is in any other status than Created/ NEW status. |
O104 | Unable to map Return Order : <returnOrderId> since Return GateEntry ItemId : <itemId> is not processed | Map Return Expectation To Received Return screen | This error reflects whenever the user wants to process the return gate entry item of the expected return order which is in any other status than PROCESSED status. |
O105 | Unable to create return order for channelReturnId : <channelReturnId>, due to invalid quantity provided in request for globalSkus | Return order upload in CIMS | At return order creation, if the line item quantity is invalid or more than the quantity present in forward order considering quantity in already created return orders. |
O106 | No shipping label exists for awb: <awb> and transporter: <transporter | Manifest screen(Add awb, Remove awb) | When wrong awb number is mentioned. |
O108 | All lists are empty. | Not Applicable to UI screens | This error reflects whenever user tries searching an order with empty parameters such as ChannelOrderCode, System Order Id, ParentOrderCodes. |
O109 | Order still has shipment(s) that are neither dispatched nor cancelled | - | When a marketplace or Brand.com sends Delivered API call for an order, this error would reflect in the response. |
O110 | The shipment with the Awb <awb> cannot be added to manifest : <manifestId> as it belongs to a different channel | Manual order completion screen, Manifest screen | While adding AWB number to manifest we check whether it belongs to same channel or not. If it’s not true, an error is thrown. |
Top Error Codes and Errors in CIMS
Error Code | Error Message | Screens | Reason |
C101 | No location found for clientChannelId: <clientChannelId> and channelWarehouseId: <channelWarehouseId> | NANot Applicable at UI | This error is sent in response to marketplace or ERP channels if those try to access the location using invalid location code. |
C102 | No Forward Order Found for ChannelOrderId: <channelOrderId> | Return Order Upload | When the forward order Id is not present in the system for the uploaded Channel Order ID. |
C103 | Non - CANCELLED status return not found for ChannelId : <channelId> ReturnOrderId : <returnOrderId> | NANot Applicable at UI | When marketplace or ERP channel sends the Update return Order or Cancel Return Order Items API call and when there is no Non - CANCELLED status return present. |
C104 | Processing quantity greater than ordered quantity | To discuss with Setty Venkat Vishwanth (Unlicensed) Cancel Order or Line Item screen | When OMS tries to acknowledge the order and it provides processing quantity greater than order quantity. This error reflects during order acknowledgement on below scenarios:
C105 | No channel mapping exists for channelId: <channelId>, clientChannelId: <clientChannelId> | NANot Applicable at UI | During any postings this error will come if there is no channel mapping present for a channel ID and ERP pair |
C106 | No location found for clientChannelId: <clientChannelId> and fulfillmentLocationId: <fulfillmentLocationId> | Create ASN | When user tries to upload ASN against a location that doesn’t exist in system. |