This document includes the flows to be implemented by the client’s ERP system. The flow includes -
Order Posting - Omni’s Integration layer will push the B2B order details to client’s ERP via Magic or ERP-proxy.
Magic - We will use standard Sales order posting to push B2B order details to client’s ERP.
Payload - Outward Sale Posting API
Event type - OUTWARD_ORDER_CREATEERP-Proxy - We will push the posting to ERP-Proxy and the integration pushes the particular posting in the desired format to the client ERP.
Push B2B invoice - Once the B2B invoice is generated by the client’s ERP using the Sales order posting, The same invoice needs to be pushed to Omni. The below API can be used to push the B2B invoice to Increff.
URLs -
Prod -
Staging -