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Increff Merchandising Software - Enterprise Release Notes

Following are the enhancements/fixes in MS Enterprise with the latest deployment

New Version details

User Interface - 8.1.3

Application - 5.14.0

Algorithm - 12.23

The current release has been tested and will work best with Chrome version - 106.0.5249.119 or above.


  1. Differentiating parent and project-level inputs: Inline notes and popup alerts have been added to parent inputs to prompt the user, differentiating them from the Project-level inputs

  2. Enhanced Project inputs validations: New validations are added to the inputs in Project Settings for a an error-free experience

  3. Other Value Additions

Get familiar with the new changes/ enhancements

Differentiating Parent and Project-level inputs

  • Many of us may be aware that there are certain inputs that are common across all the projects created.

  • Uploading this input means that it will be updated across all projects and hence great care to be taken before uploading them

  • As a notification to remind the user of this fact we have added a note to differentiate parent and project-level inputs on the UI screen and

  • A confirmation pop-up to alert and take confirmation from the user before uploading these Parent inputs

Other Value Additions

Started capturing Net Returns Revenue and COGS of the returns
  • For showing margins in our BI, we already were capturing the Net Sales Revenue and COGS of Sales units

  • We have added provision and will be capturing the Net Returns Revenue and COGS of the returns

  • This will be included in the Margin calculation in the BI

Have any Questions?

Please feel free to contact your account manager if you have any queries.