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New Screen for Box To Pallet Putaway

Box to Pallet Putaway (in Inward section for now)

  • No suggestions required.

  • On scanning the pallet , display the existing box details along with the - Order ID, Channel Order ID information.

  • User to scan box to add them to pallet.

  • Provide a button to ‘Scan next pallet’, the screen will get reset.

Box To Pallet Put Away

Under Inward Staging Area, Go to Pallet to location put away screen and select the Aisle, scan pallet code and empty location in scan location id field.

Note: Empty location will be suggested after selecting the Aisle


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Box to pallet putaway

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UX Flow

  • Filter boxes By

    • No filters

    • Inward OrderCode : All boxes from an Inward order

    • ASN Code : (OPS understand ASN more than gate entry Id, all boxes received in an ASN)

    • Gate Entry

    • InvoiceCode

    • Outward OrderCode (only applicable for b option)

  • Show input field based on selection

  • Rename the Box Status dropdown to “Pick for”:

    1. QC Pass Boxes ready for moving to Storage (previously Ready_to_qc)

    2. QC Pass Boxes ready for moving to Outwards (Cross Dock)

    3. QC Rejected Boxes ready for moving to Storage

  • Pick from” Show suggestion of Aisle Name, total locations, total box. Example.

    • (Aisle-1, 4 locations, 36 boxes)

    • (Aisle-2, 2 locations, 16 boxes)

    • (Aisle-3, 9 locations, 45 boxes)

Show inputs on bases of these cases.

  1. The location has no pallet, boxes are directly on location. Show input to Scan box.

    • Scan the all the boxes to remove from location

    • Once all the suggested boxes are removed, suggest the next location for picking

  2. Location has pallet AND Not all boxes to be picked up. Show input to Scan box

    • Scan the all the boxes to remove.

    • Display the message to ‘put the pallet to location’.

    • Scan the location, map the pallet to the scanned location. NOTE : The scanned location can be different than the previous location.

  3. Location has pallet AND ALL boxes to be picked up from the pallet. Show input to Scan Pallet

    • Scan the pallet to mark all boxes as removed.

    • System will Remove the pallet association with the location

    • Give option to scan all boxes to mark as picked, take user to case 2.

Once all the boxes of the aisle are picked, repeat the steps for the next selected aisle

We have merged “Storage picking” and “Pick Approved Cross dock Boxes”, as no need of different screen here. - This is post discussion with ops team.

Box To Pallet Putaway


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During inwards, the received boxes can be added to a pallet. Then, pallet can be put away to an inward staging location.

  1. Go to WMS Home-> Box to Pallet Put Away.

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  1. Scan Pallet Code.

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  1. On scanning pallet code, pallet details like Pallet Code, No of Boxes for Storage, No of Boxes for Cross Dock, No of Boxes for Sample QC are also displayed.

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  1. Scan Box Codes to be added to the pallet.

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5. Scan next pallet once the screen will get reset.