Inward Staging Area workflow for Cross Dock boxes
Post Gate entry and Receiving the boxes, the boxes are put away in the Inward Staging Area. Inward Staging Area is utilized under the following conditions:
When the Sample QC process is applicable OR when cross dock boxes are received.
Dedicated aisles are configured for this staging area.
Inward boxes, classified as either Storage or Crossdock inventory, are managed within this space.
Multiple boxes may coexist in a single location, all associated with the same gate entry.
Several locations within the area can contain boxes from the same gate entry.
Boxes selected from this area, post the sample QC approval process, undergo the following transformations
For storage inventory, they are converted into bins and relocated to the Storage Live Inventory Area.
In the case of Crossdock inventory, they are transformed into outward boxes and moved to either the Crossdock Staging Area or the Packing desk.
View Inward Staging
Pick approved Crossdock boxes from the Inward Staging Area
Go to WMS-> Inward Staging Area->Pick Approved Cross Dock Boxes.
Order ID is an optional field here, the user can either pick the boxes Crossdock Order ID-wise or irrespective of order by scanning a location. The system suggests the locations to pick the boxes accordingly.