Inbound | POST | /master/articles/search
This API is used to search existing article masters in Omni.
This API will search article masters in Omni.
Note : Single payload can contain upto 5000 articles.
This API does not return SKU Attributes, or virtual SKU definition if any.
{ "channelSkuCodes": [ "100565437", "100565435" ] }
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String [ ] | List of channelSkuCodes(Code used by channel to identify an SKU). Max Limit is 5000 | yes |
{ "articleMasters": [ { "channelSkuCode": "channelSkuCode1", "category": "category", "brand": "BrandFactory", "styleCode": "erp article style", "mrp": 1299, "hsn": "hsn1234", "imageUrl": "HTTP://", "name": "product name", "taxRule": "GST_3", "size": "xl", "color": "blue" }, { "channelSkuCode": "channelSkuCode2", "category": "category", "brand": "puma", "styleCode": "erp article style", "mrp": 1299, "hsn": "hsn1234", "imageUrl": "HTTP://", "name": "product name", "taxRule": "GST_APPAREL", "size": "xl", "color": "blue" } ] }
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| Object [ ] | List of article master details. | yes |
| String | Code used by the channel to identify an SKU. It cannot be updated. | yes |
| String | Represents the broad category this product belongs to | no |
| String | Brand of the sku | no |
| String | styleCode of the product | no |
| Double | Maximum Retail Price of the product | no |
| String | HSN code of the product | no |
| String | Public image url of the product. This is used in warehouse at multiple stages to gain efficiency and accuracy | no |
| String | Name of the product | no |
| String | Rule used to compute tax as per Assure Tax Rule Table | no |
| String | Size of the product | no |
| String | Color of the product | no |
HttpStatus : 200