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Increff WMS key features

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Value Add

Creation of clients


Clients can be added by specifying their name, tax information and address details.

Clients represent the legal entities which are capable of independently holding and selling inventory. Each client can have its separate products that it can sell

Creation of suppliers and customers for clients


For a client, multiple suppliers and customers can be added. Each supplier or customer has their own name and address.

A supplier is the entity from where a client procures inventory. Similarly, a customer represents a business entity to which a client may sell their inventory. Tracking suppliers and customers allows keeping a record of the source and destination of products

Creation of locations for suppliers and customers


For a given supplier or customer of a client, multiple physical locations can be added.

Supplier and customer level locations allow defining physical (geographical) locations which could be the source or destination of products in an order

Creation of Products


Product creation requires a CSV based upload of details such as client's SKU ID for the product, brand ID, size, color and other features

Product data consolidates all information for identifying the product uniquely as well as for storing product description, attributes and images which can be used for comparison and QC status determination in other stages

Client warehouse Mappings

Client Warehouse Mapping

Client-warehouse mappings are added by specifying the details of a created client and a warehouse. This mapping can also have an associated billing address which can be the client's address, the warehouse's address or any custom address

Mapping of clients to warehouses allows the specification of which warehouses a client has access to. This provides support for multi-warehousing by allowing a single client to be mapped to multiple warehouses and vice-versa





Value Add

Configuring physical storage locations within the warhouse

Location Configuration

The location configuration screen allows uploading the names of different zones within the warehouse as well as aisles composed of storage locations. Structurally, the warehouse can be organized into zones which contain aisles which contain locations. The specification of whether an aisle is to be used for normal storage or pigeonholing (for consolidating combo type orders) can also be done here

Through the location configuration screen, the physical organization of the warehouse can be defined in terms of zones, aisles and locations. Zones allow arbitrary grouping of aisles that can be used do demarcate different regions of the warehouse (if needed). Creation of locations generates location ID barcode stickers that uniquely identify each location in the warehouse

Defining distance for each storage location

Location Configuration

When creating locations within an aisle, the distance can be specified. This numeric value indicates the distance of the location from an arbitrary starting point (usually the start of the aisle)

Specification of the location distances allows the system to intelligently order the picking decision to minimize the distance to be walked before picking the next item for an order

Take bins offline to stop inventory exposure

Bin Offline

Bins can be taken offline from location if inventory is to be made non live.
Bin Offline is a success operation in every case, other than the cases where the last item of particular SKU is allocated to an order or any Picklist is assigned on that Bin. System throws error to remove such inventory as it has already been promised.

Turn off exposure of a particular bin by just a scan of either bin id or the location id

"Bin Offline" by scanning Bin or by scanning location

Bin Offline

System already knows the mapping of location and bin. So any of the above scan can achieve Bin Offline success.

Turn off exposure of a particular bin by just a scan of either bin id or the location id

Serial barcode powered Cycle count

Cycle Count

Scan the Bin ID and all the products present in the bin, WMS would correct the inventory by adding the excess inventory and marking the missing of the bin as LOST

Correct inventory in real time without blocking the inventory exposure to marketplaces or stopping any warehouse activity

Timezone specification


Warehouses can be associated with a specific timezone at creation based on their grographical location. When accessing the UI from other modules like OMS, the user is given the option of choosing the desired timezone. Based on the chosen timezone, all date-time related information on the UI is updated to reflect the values in the specified timezone

For supporting warehouses operating in geographically different locations with differing timezones, this feature allows the defining of a timezone for each warehouse separately. All time related inputs and ouput on all screens and documents are converted according to the timezone specified for the warehouse.

Check complete history of an item or bin by scanning it

Audit Log History

All the activities with the time and person who performed them will be shown.

Know the complete history of the product, who picked it, who marked it lost, where the product was marked as lost etc





Value Add

Inward order (purchase orders, return orders and stock transfer orders) creation

Inward Order

Inward Orders can be created by specifying client, supplier, supplier location, destination warehouse and order details. The orders can be created individually or in bulk through CSV uploads

The inward order creation allows setting the expectation of inventory to be received at a warehouse from the specified client, supplier and supplier location. The inward order type allows defining whether the incoming inventory is part of a new purchase order or a returned order or an inter warehouse stock transfer order

Digitalisation of all documents in Inward Process

Gate Entry

Storing scanned copy of physical documents received with material at the time of Inward Process.

Storing scan copy of physical documents received with material. Easily downloadable from the system when required.

Unique Inward Box IDs

Gate Entry

Each vendor carton gets a unique inward box id which is mapped to PO and Invoice. This helps in optimising processes in the inward staging area and ensures products are in warded against the correct PO by just a scan of barcode printed on inward boxes.

Optimised inward staging area with improved box level traceability of invoices received.

GRN Notifications to ERP at piece level and digitally close gate entry

ERP Postings

Inward data can be posted to ERP (if any integrated) on closing Gate Entry.
This means all items in this Gate Entry are serialised and QC is complete.

Inward data can also be posted to ERP (if any integrated) as GRN progresses.

Push data of receipt against an invoice/ PO to the ERP as per requirement i.e GRN in progress or post invoice completion or post PO completion

Gate Entry Search

Gate Entry

Gate Entry can be searched on Date range, Supplier, Client, PO Number and Invoice Number. This search can help in closing gate entry.

Search Invoices and mark them GRN complete by multiple parameters
Most used and operational search params are provided.

Gate Entry Remarks

Gate Entry

Warehouse supervisors can capture data/remarks at the time of closing the Gate Entry, which can be accessed through Reports whenever needed.

Add operational or financial remarks to a received Invoice. Use case is in reporting.

Upload Batch Information for perishable products

Gate Entry

Information about batches of products with similar manufacture date, expiry date and external batch identifier can be uploaded. Batch information can be uploaded during gate entry based on the batches that are expected to be received for GRN

Definition of batch information allows the logical grouping of perishable products such that expiry dates can be taken into consideration when exposing inventory and allocating orders

Generate Item IDs in system by giving Inward Order ID as input

Stickering Item

Increff WMS gives the created Item ID in the form of CSV. This can be used at Manufacturer's end to paste Item ID on tag itself before arriving to Warehouse

Serialize the inventory at the manufacturer end,
Enabling tracking from the manufacturing unit itself.
Improves GRN speed and efficiency.

No Keyboard required, No documents required to do inward


Only a scan of the Unique ID generated by the Increff WMS system needs to be done.

  • Errors (no typo errors, GRN mismatch between products) dramatically reduce,

  • No human decision making is required, the operator only has to scan and continue.

  • All checks and balances in place to ensure the operator does not pick & pack or dispatch the wrong product.

  • Very less training required

Scan based operation with all checks and balances in place, ensuring no human decision is required and avoids human errors. easy to train and simple to use.

Auto QC pass and mandatory QC Fail Reason selection


Auto QC Pass makes GRN faster,
and for each QC Fail item, a QC Fail reason is captured.

Reason for QC Fail is tagged to each product and is tracked at a vendor, PO or item level. Later can be used to pick only items for a specific reason.

Info button is present near QC Fail reasons drop-down which links to QC Fail Reasons documentation


The link provided to the info button has a description of all QC Fail reasons.

Clear explanation of QC reasons available on the screen for quick reference which helps in deciding correct QC Fail reason.

PrePrinted Item ID GRN Process


New Item ID sticker is not created by Increff WMS, instead uses a PrePrinted Item ID sticker. (Refer to Stickering Item sub-module)

Print Item ID in bulk at the warehouse to improve efficiency of GRN

Print Bulk Item IDs


Multiple Item ID stickers for the same SKU can be printed at one go for a box.

Print Item ID in bulk for an SKU at the warehouse to improve efficiency of GRN. This enables us for Box level Item ID printing.

NEW item status GRN Process


This allows Warehouse to have different desks for item stickering and QC process. Item Stickering is done from a different screen and QC of that item/ adding to bin is done on this screen.

Split the GRN process by
Stickering Item ID at manufacturer and QC at Warehouse.Increasing speed of GRN and enabling tracking from manufacturing unit.

Don't allow GRN if SKU not in PO


System checks Inward PO details to match SKU scanned and SKUs present in that order.

Enable/disable to receive products in excess than PO qty

Don't allow Excess GRN


System checks Inward PO qty of SKU and count of items already GRNed against. This is configurable

By default the system doesn't allow excess but if required it cant be configured to allow excess GRN. Sku wise Grn Progress is traceable.

Don't allow putting items in wrong QC bin


QC Fail items can go only in QC Fail bins, Qc Pass Items can go into QC pass bins

Ensure fail and pass products are kept separately to maintain hygiene

Image of the product and all master details are shown on the screen when SKU is scanned


All these product master details and images are prerequisites of Increff WMS System.

Visual Aid provided to the operator by showing image and relevant data of the product on the screen.
eg: during GRN, Picking and Packing

No next button is required in screen to process subsequent items on GRN desk


Focus on Screen automatically resets itself on a successful GRN process.

Automatic cursor movement to the next field ensuring that the operator doesn't skip any step. Also makes sure he does not need to use a mouse or keyboard for processing the next Item.

Item Stickers can be printed even without SKU/EAN input

Bulk Inwards

This screen is used when a large number of items are inwarded with SKU being the same.
Stickers don't have Increff SKU ID printed on it, instead mapping of Item ID and Increff SKU ID is done later on item scan

Print Item IDs without SKU mapping to increase speed of printing and stickering.

System suggests closest empty location (if required)

Put Away

Scan any location and get the closest empty location for Putaway

Reduce time and distance travel by the operator to find empty locations.

Any Empty location in the Warehouse can be used for Bin Putaway

Put Away

System doesn't restrict putaway of bin and item at any empty location

Flexibility to putaway bins as per convenience of the operator

Direct Item Putaway to bins present on locations

Put Away

Item can be also Putaway to a location directly into a bin using Item Putaway Tab

Capability to put away by piece or by bin.


Fulfilment & Inwards

With UOM feature fulfilment and inwards can be done on different packs of the same SKU.

This enables faster GRN, capability to fulfil in packs instead of eaches.

Bin to Bin Putaway


Allow complete bin to bin transfer of items and print binstickers in bulk

This will enable warehouses that have static bins to have seamless operations.

B2B Outwards




Value Add

Outward bulk order creation

Outward Order

Bulk orders can be placed directly from by specifying order identifiers, product SKU codes and ordered quantities. Outward orders can be sales orders, return orders or inter warehouse stock transfer orders. Bulk order can only originate from a valid customer and customer location that has been created for the client in question

Bulk Orders and Order types

Outward Order

Increff OMS supports all kinds of B2B orders, stock transfer, return to vendor, B2B to customers, to popular XYZ like shopper shop etc

Print Invoices in multiple formats eg shopper stop, Myntra etc based on the customer requirement.

Bulk Order Tax data and breakup

Outward Order

Increff OMS supports placing B2B orders with and without invoice and tax breakup. Tax can also be auto calculated at time of invoice generation. Tax rule /(GST) compliant invoicing mechanism

Option to upload tax details at an SKU level to ease financial reco of inward and outward orders. Auto tax computation for Inter state, Intra state stock transfers.

Bulk Order Auto Inventory allocation

Outward Order

Configurable Immediate "Auto inventory allocation" for All orders. Also if inventory is assigned partially, Increff WMS can auto assign more as inventory is GRNed

Auto allocate inventory at the time of placing the order itself to improve fulfilment of B2B orders.

Bulk Order Manual Inventory allocation

Outward Order

Bulk orders can be marked to not be retried automatically. Instead, the allocation may be performed manually by selecting the order and performing the retry

Manual order retry it is not desirable to automatically allocate inventory to an order. This provdes a degree of control over how inventory is allocated to orders

Manual Order Deallocation

Outward Order

Items within an order for which inventory has been allocated can be manually deallocated without cancelling them. Deallocated orders, when retried, are re-allocated based on update inventory present

Deallocation of a order item frees up inventory previously allocated to it. This inventory is made available for other orders. Such deallocation is useful if it is not desired to allocate/fulfill certain orders

Custom Invoice formats for popular store-chains like shoppers stop and OLABI

Create Bulk Invoice

Custom Invoice formats for different vendors

Get Invoice in multiple formats eg shopper stop, Myntra etc based on the customer requirement.

Order Item expiry related details specification through minimum-expiry date


For order items of perishable products, a minimum-expiry date must be specified. Order allocation is done to ensure allocated inventory expires after the provided minimum expiry date

Orders for perishable items can be placed keeping a custom expiry threshold. This prevents allocation of inventory that might be expiring too soon

Order Item expiry related details specification through batch ID


For order items of perishable products, instead of the minimum-expiry date, the internal batch ID can also be specified. Order allocation is done only from the specified batch (even if

Orders for perishable items can be placed keeping a custom expiry threshold. This prevents allocation of inventory that might be expiring too soon

Manual Bulk Order picklist release

Bulk Pick List Release

Picklist of Bulk Order is not automatically released in the system. Instead, order can be searched by orderId and on clicking the release picklist button, the system marks this order for picklist release and it is released in background within a few minutes.

Release B2B picklist by order to prioritize among bulk orders.

SKU wise Picklist release Bulk Orders

Bulk Pick List Release

Since Bulk Order can be of huge quantities, Picklist can be released partially for order by releasing SKU wise. This can be helpful for Warehouse Supervisor if there are not enough resources to process the whole order.

Release picklist by SKU for a B2B order

Zone, Aisle and order wise picking pendency is shown on this screen

Bulk Pick Pending

This is similar to Piece Pick Pending screen, only difference being Picking Pendency is shown order wise for different Aisles.

Monitor Order- Aisle level pick pendency for B2B orders.

Order wise picking for bulk orders

Bulk Pick Item

This is similar to Piece Pick Item screen, only difference being Picking happens for single order in the Aisle.

Pick by order removing the need to sort the products later for B2B orders.

Easy Outward box creation

Bulk Packing

Unique Outward Box Barcodes are generated on packing screen

Unique box Ids and box wise packing list give item level tracking which serial bar code is present in which box.

Bulk packing is again just scanning serial barcodes of an Order against an Unique Outward Box Id

Bulk Packing

Put items in boxed by just scanning Item ID and box Id

Add products to a box by just scanning Item barcode

Visible error Item list

Bulk Packing

if any item is scanned wrong, Increff WMS enforces packed to scan it again to confirm physical removal

Increff WMS ensure wrong product cant be added to the box

Auto Boxwise packlist generation

Bulk Packing

As soon as boxes are digitally closed, packlists are generated and printed

Auto printing of the box wise packing list.

Sound feedback on wrong scan

Bulk Packing

Sound feedback on wrong scan

Additional audio msg/tone for success and error scan to alert the operator.

Bulk handover on Outward box level

Bulk handover

No box can be accidentally scanned. for missing boxes counts are show for scanned ve pending

Allow operators to handover only after all boxes of the Invoice are scanned.
Ensure no wrong/short dispatch.

Customisable pack-box labels support for B2B orders


The B2B box labels can be customised in terms of format as per the client requirement.

Allow to have more information on the pack box operationally.

Pre pack staging area and consolidation of pack boxes


This feature enables the functionality to create pre-pack staging areas for storing and consolidating pack boxes before packing B2B orders.

Ease of B2B operations and optimised workflows.

Pick order group, Batch picking & cluster picking


This feature enables to group multiple outward orders and release picklists, pick items for the order group.

Ease of B2B operations and optimised workflows.

Post Pack Staging & Handover Using Gate Pass In Increff Omni

Packing & Consolidation

  • We have introduced Post Pack Staging areas for B2B orders, which enable the consolidation and staging of pack boxes before the handover process to deal with any delays that may arise during the Packing to Invoicing to Handover process.

  • To enable the handover of multiple B2B orders together we have added the support of the gate pass feature in Increff Omni.

Ease of B2B operations and optimised workflows.

Packbox/ Package SKU Masters


We now supports defining Box SKU Masters for Pack boxes and Package SKUs used in B2B and B2C operations, allowing to auto-populate the Predefined Dimensions and Volumetric weight values in Box SKU Masters in OMS with the scan of box SKU/ package SKU in Omni screens.

Smooth workflow to capture outward box SKU and auto capture dimensions based on that.

B2C Outwards




Value Add

Near real time inventory sync. 5-30 second.

Inventory : Channel Inventory Sync

Near real time inventory sync across all sales channels. Market places, custom brand websites and ERPs . 5 - 30 second sync time

Near real time inventory sync across all sales channels. Market places, custom brand websites ands . 5 - 30 second sync time

Configurable Wave Size and Wave Frequency. i.e Number of picks (items) that can happen in given time

Picklist Release Priority

These values are set by the Warehouse supervisor on the basis of manpower and productivity. Wave size denotes the number of items for which Picklist will be released and Wave Frequency denotes the number of minutes after which system will try to release the next wave of Picklists.

Automate release of the picklist based on processing capacity.
Increff WMS prioritizes release of urgent order first without any human intervention.
Achieve better fulfillment even before the SLA.

Picklist Release Preference Options :

  1. By Channel Priority

  2. By SLA Priority

Picklist Release Priority

This config is used to rank the orders present in the system which are eligible for Picklist release. When selected "By Channel", values of channel priority are taken into consideration. When selected "By SLA", orders having SLA date closer to now will be prioritized.

Set priority for channels and release picklist based on the priority set.
Or release picklist strictly by SLA time

Guided Picking :
System guides automatically to the next location eligible for picking in the same Aisle

Piece Pick Item

On location scan of any Aisle, system suggests next location/bin to goto for picking. System only suggests which SKU to pick and any item of that particular SKU at the same location/bin can be picked. At this moment, Item ID is associated with the order for which Picklist is released.

Guided picking by showing the bin, location and product.
Reduce distance travelled by operator by avoiding back and forth movement.

Guided picking on location wise distance

Piece Pick Item

Pickers will get suggestions for picking only in forward manner in an Aisle. He will not go ZigZag or backward-forward in an Aisle.

In the Location Configuration Screen while creating locations, distance is also provided so that the system knows which location arrives before which location and that's how it manages to give picking suggestions only in forward direction.

Reduce the distance travelled by the operator during picking by sending him in a forward direction ensuring all allocated products are picked simultaneously.

Image and other master details of SKU are shown on the screen to let pickers identify the same SKU items in the bin.

Piece Pick Item

This acts as a visual aid for pickers to identify items of the same SKU in the bin. Also, stickers present on the item have SKU mentioned with the last three digits in bold and big font, just like the SKU mentioned on the screen and this makes it easy for pickers to only match the last three digits of the SKU.

Product images are shown on screen to ease and improve picking productivity.

Prioritize orders whose CTP (channel's SLA) is strict and close.

Piece Pick Item

CPT Picking config can be enabled which will result in a system giving suggestions only for orders of given channels and today's SLA.

Narrow down picklist by showing only urgent/express orders for a channel.

Audit based Not Found

Piece Pick Item

Not Found can be marked if an item of SKU suggested on screen is not present in the given bin.
If Picker can't find any item of SKU shown on the screen, he can mark SKU as not found which leads to marking all items of the SKU present digitally in the bin as LOST.

Mark product not found by scanning Bin id ensuring that the picker is looking for the product in the right bin. All this is audited

Direct Item Picking for an order

Item Based Picking

Pickers can bypass the picklist release process and directly pick items against an order. Only for correct sku qty
This feature works only if Picklist is not released earlier for the order through normal Piece Picking process..

Pick products for an order even without releasing the picklist. So When you know exactly what to pick this is useful

Multi-level sorting by Preferred nomenclature of PigeonHole locations

Item Sorting

If the name of PigeonHole location uses a defined nomenclature (e.g.: Z1-A1-L1 where Z1 is Zone, A1 is Aisle and L1 is location), it allows user to sort 3 times on the basis of Zone and Aisle consequently

Multi Level Sorting

Channel, Single Piece/Multi Piece, SLA Sorting Using Item ID

Item Sorting

This screen helps in segregating items on the basis of order type and channel of items picked

After Item Picking of Piece Orders, all items are mixed in a pallet having different orderId and different channels. On scan of Item ID, screen shows order type(Single or Combo) and Channel name. Operator sorts on the basis of above parameters for further processing.

Sort ecommerce order by channel, SLA and combo to sending the product to right packing station

One single screen for packing all marketplace orders

Piece Packing

There is no information of which marketplace is getting packed. Packer don't need to learn different processes for different marketplaces

Simple and single process to pack orders of all channels, by just scanning the unique id

Scan Serial Barcode for packing. No keyboard inputs. No Manual entry

Piece Packing

No keyboard Required. Scanning Serial barcode eliminated the possibility of item getting packed against wrong order

Increff WMS fetches all relevant data like invoice and shipping label based on Unique id scanned. No need for any human decision. Less chances of errors

Audio feedback on correct and incorrect item scan

Piece Packing

Increff WMS gives sounds on success and failure pack scans

Additional audio msg/tone for success and error scan to alert the operator.

Capture dimensions of packed shipment by scanning AWB

Capture Packet Dimensions

Pay logistic based on actual volmetrics of the shipments being dispatched.

B2C Returns




Value Add

Return Data Integration with Marketplaces

Returns Creation

Expected return data is auto populated and stored as reference with forward orders. Incase integrations are not there same can be uploaded manually

Fetch returns expected data from the MPs paytm, flipkart, Myntra

Process Returns with many packet identifiers like
Item ID,
Marketplace Order Id,
Marketplace ReturnOrder Id,
expected AWB

Return Order Processing

Return Orders can be processed using multiple identifiers as different marketplace return items have different parameters on packets. Yet screen and return flow remains the same for the operator.

Easy Return processing for marketplaces.

Capture Images for Bad Returns

Return Order Processing

Capture upto 10 images of the bad returns while processing them to claim SPF

Capture upto 10 images of the bad returns while processing them to claim SPF

Return Item ID Reprinting

Return Order Processing

Same Item ID gets reprinted on return process as the forward Item ID. very useful in long Iitem tracking

Reuse of the same Item ID that was dispatched from the warehouse. This improves the visibility of the life cycle of any product, how many times it was dispatched and received as a return - so if an item is frequently being returned, you can track the issue/number of times it has been returned/take decisions for refurbishment if needed

B2C return processing from any warehouse

Return Order Processing

Any return for which forward order went from Increff WMS can be processed at any WMS location.

This will improve ease of return processing.





Value Add

Marking product as a perishable/expirable product


Products which have a definite expiry date can be marked as perishable when uploading product details

Expiry of perishable items is taken into consideration when allocating orders. Orders for perishable items are allocated from non-expired inventory in a FEFO (First Expiring First Out) manner

Item-Batch Mapping


Batches that represent a grouping of items with same manufacture and expiry dates can be mapped to perishable items to indicate their manufacture date, expiry date and external batch identifier. During GRN, the appropriate batch must be selected for the perishable item based on matching batch details

Based on the expiry date of the associated batch, perishable items can be made available or non-available for sale based on expiry status

Manually expire a Batch

Batch Details

A Batch (representing a grouping of items with same manufacture and expiry dates) can be manually marked as expired prematurely

In case of defects with a certain batch of perishable items, the entire batch can be marked as expired to prevent allocation to orders

  • No labels