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Increff Omni Reports

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The system comes with an completely exhaustive set of reports, for all your business and operational requirements. .

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Standard Reports (Sample)

Here are a few reports and their functionality. Note that this is just a sample set of reports, the product contains many more reports.

Report Name



Assure Magic Message Posting Status - OMS

Helps with the Relay Status and Time of Messages(Gate Entry Closure, Item GRN, Outward Order Completion, Return Order Completion) posted to Assure Magic.


Billing Report

Billing reports contains Inwards, Outwards and Returns data Summarized at Month, Brand and Category level.


Bin Audit Pojo - WMS

Provides Warehouse wise Bin audit log.


Control Tower

Bird's Eye view of Warehouse Operations. This includes Transactions, productivity and Inventory data.


Customer/Supplier details - OMS

Provides customer and supplier details present in the system.



Provides Sales, Inwards and returns data of last day, current week and current month. Current Snapshot of Unmapped SKUs is also populated.


Day wise Productivity Report - WMS

Day wise productivity of each actor against each action in a warehouse.


Inventory Reco

Contains warehouse wise Total Outwards, Total Inwards, Total Returns, Total Items in various stages, System storage, Inventory and Lost quantities. Helps with Inventory Reconcilation.


Inwards : Extra Item detail report

Provides PO and Gate entry wise Extra Item details such as Extra Box ID, Extra Item Status, Item ID etc. which can be filtered based on PO and Gate Entry dates.


Inwards: Inward Box Report - OMS

Inward received at GateEntry date and Inward Box level data is populated and can be filtered on Gate Entry date.


Inwards: Inward Report at GRN Level - OMS

Inward received at GRN date and Invoice level data is populated and can be filtered on GRN done date.


Inwards: Inward Report at GRN SKU Level - OMS

Inward received at GRN date and SKU level data is populated and this report can be filtered on GRN done date.


Inwards: Inward Report at Invoice Level - OMS

Inward received at GateEntry(Invoice) level data is populated and can be filtered on Gate Entry date.


Inwards: Inward Report at PO SKU Level - OMS

Inward Orders at PO SKU level data is populated and can be filtered on PO Created date.


Inwards: Inward SLA Report - WMS

Provides Average time taken in each step from gate entry to putaway during inwards. Helps with the Inward Productivity.


Inwards: Item Stuck in New Status - WMS

Helps in Identifying possible locations of Misplaced Items which are in New status. Report can be filtered on Item ID and the result set will include 5 Actions done before and after creating that Item by the same Actor.


Inwards : PO wise extra item count

Provides PO wise extra items received for each SKU and also provides it's attributes. This report can be filtered based on PO and Gate Entry dates.


Listing : Channel Inventory Exposure Detail - CIMS

Channel ,SKU wise Inventory Exposure.


Listing : Channel Inventory Exposure Summary - CIMS

Channel wise Inventory Exposure against Available and Listed Inventory.


Listing : Channel Mapping Error - CIMS

SKUs that got Failed in CIMS due to lack of listing.


Listing : Snapshot - CIMS

Client SKUs(EAN) with their corresponding Channel SKU IDs for different Channels.


Listing : Unmapped Channel SKUs - CIMS

Client SKUs(EAN) for which Channel SKU Id mapping is not present in the System with their total available Quantity.


Outwards : B2B Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS

Invoiced B2B Outward Orders with tax information, Customer details, life-cycle timestamps(creation, packed, SLA, manifest etc)


Outwards: B2C Order Status Dashboard By Order Date - OMS

Order Date, Channel, Status wise B2C Order Count.


Outwards: B2C Order Status Dashboard By SLA Date - OMS

SLA Date, Channel, Status wise B2C Order Count.


Outwards : B2C outwards SLA report - OMS

Provides Average time taken in each step from Outward Order creation to manifest.


Outwards : B2C Outward Sku Wise Report - OMS

Invoiced B2C Outward Orders with tax information, Customer details, life-cycle timestamps(creation, packed, SLA, manifest etc)


Outwards : Outwards Box report at Item Level

Outward Open Orders with BOX details at item level.


Outwards : Failed Order Report - CIMS

Failed Outward Orders, due to unavailability of listing in CIMS.


Outwards : Manifest Report Detail - OMS

Manifest level Outward Order Details.


Outwards : Order Exposure History - CIMS

For a given SKU, shows entire timeline of inventory updates sent and orders received for all channels for last 7 days. Very crucial in debugging Unfulfillable orders.


Outwards : Order Flow - OMS

Channel wise flow of unfulfillable orders with 2 Hours interval.


Outwards : Order Status Report - OMS

Outward Order details at Order level with all the relevant information.


Outwards : Order Status Report Detail - OMS

Outward Order details at Order-SKU level with all the relevant information.


Outwards : Outward Summary Report - OMS

Invoiced Outward Orders at Order-Invoice level data with their Tax Split ups.


Outwards : Outward Unfulfillbale Orders Detail

Unfulfillable SKUs with their last unfulfillable Order details, Last Sync details and inventory stuck in Recycle, Offline and GRN state. Helps with the analysis of Unfulfillable orders.


Outwards : Outwards at Box ID Level - WMS

Outward Open Orders data at Box ID-Invoice level with Transporter and Shipment Details.


Outwards : Packed Order Details - OMS

Packed Outward Orders at SKU level


Outwards : Pending B2C Outward Orders Summary

Pendency of B2C Outward Orders by SLA date , release date at channel level.


Outwards : Picklist Summary - WMS

Warehouse wise picklist count for current and future dates SLA channel wise.


Outwards : RTV Suggestions - OMS

Suggests Item IDs that can be considered for an RTV (Return to Vendor) order.


Outwards : SKU wise open order & Inventory available

SKU wise open orders, order quantity and total quantity in the warehouse.


Outwards : SLA brached and Unfulfillable Orders - OMS

Current day snapshot of SLA Breached orders and Unfuflfillable Orders received.


Outwards : Shipped Order Items Detail Report - WMS

Provides Order, Item level details for a shipped Outward orders.


Outwards : Time wise Pending B2C Orders by SLA Date - OMS

Pendency of Current day B2C SLA orders grouped on status with 2 Hours interval.


Outwards : Top Sellers

Style level report sorted on last 15 days revenue. Provides metrics like ASP, ROS, Expected Days of Inventory, etc calculated with last 15 days sales data.


Productivity Report - WMS

Provides hourly productivity of all the Warehouse Employees for various actions like GRN, Picking, Packing and Putaway. When the report is run for multiple days, it gives the average of items for which some action is done in that hour.


Returns : Gate entry Report - OMS

Return gate entry details and AWBs received against it.


Returns : Image URLs - OMS

Provides with image URLs for QC Fail items received in returns


Returns : Return Order CIMS FAIL Report - CIMS

Return Orders that are Failed in CIMS with Remarks and other details.


Returns : Return Order Report Item Level - WMS

Return Order details at Item level.


Returns : Return Order Report SKU Wise - OMS

Return Orders with their Forward Order details and customer Information at Return Order, SKU level.


Returns : Return SLA report - WMS

Provides Average time taken from return recived to putaway during return process. Helps with Return Productivity


SKU audit log - OMS

Provides OMS SKU audit log details.


Storage : Bin & Item ID Level Snapshot - WMS

Helps in Identifying the Items present in a bin.


Storage : Bin & SKU level Inventory Snapshot - WMS

Total Inventory at Bin and SKU level with Bin status and QC status.


Storage : Bin Cycle Count Report - WMS

Provides Bin wise cycle count before and after quantities.


Storage : Bin Locations Report - WMS

Helps with Aisle details like Aisle ID, Location, Bin present in those Aisles,Bin quantity and wheather the Aisle is empty or not.


Storage : GRN at Item Level Report - WMS

Details of Items present in NEW, Live, GRN, LOST and OFFLINE Status. Helps in Identifying the Items which are in New and GRN status but not yet made live with time gap.


Storage : Inventory Ageing - WMS

Ageing of Live Inventory at SKU level with Last 15 days sales and ROS.


Storage : Inventory Available for Sales - OMS

Total Inventory and Available Inventory summarized at SKU, QC Status and Reservation Pool level.


Storage : Inventory at Supplier Level - WMS

Current Inventory against each SKU at supplier level.


Storage : Master HSN IDs - FISCAL

HSN Codes present in our system with their tax details.


Storage : Not Found Snapshot - WMS

Ageing of Live Inventory at SKU level with Last 15 days sales and ROS.


Storage : Picklist Report - WMS

Picklist Related details like Current Items, Picked status, Picked time.


Storage : Pigeonhole details at item level - WMS

Pigeon holes and the Items present.


Storage : Pigeon Hole Location - WMS

List of all the Pigeon Holes with their status and Location Details


Storage : QC Reject Reasons Report - WMS

QC Rejected Items with their SKU Details and the Reason for their Rejection.


Storage : SKU Master - OMS

All the SKUs present in the Product Master and their details.


Storage : Stock Movement Detail

Total Inwards, Outwards and returns at Date-SKU level.


Storage : Stock Movement Summary

Total Inwards, Outwards and returns for the selected time period.


Storage: Warehouse Inventory Status - WMS

Warehouse Inventory at SKU,Item Status, Qc Status level.

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