Credit Note Generation for B2B orders User Manual
This document presents the implementation of the Credit note generation process for B2B shipments processed from Increff WMS system.
The functionality is designed to address cases where E-credit notes need to be generated for materials received back by the seller from Retailers, Brand Outlets, and Marketplaces (where SOR model is being used).
Currently, E-credit notes will be generated through Cleartax portal using the credentials of the registered organization.
Implementation Summary
The process to generate the E-Credit note is a two step process as mentioned below:
Data Export from Omni Standard Reports
Credit note generation from RMS UI
Data Export from Omni Standard Reports
In order to generate the E-credit note, the first step is to generate and download a report from Omni Standard reporting system. This report will esenially contain the information of the Product, Items and Forward order mapped to the B2B Return against which you want to generate the E-credit note.
B2B Returns Credit Note Generation for RMS report can be generated for a Gate Entry ID or for a B2B Return PO via omni-reporting-tool
The report generated will be in the as-is upload-able format in the RMS UI (in the next steps)
Credit note generation from RMS UI
Here’s the second step in the process where you need to upload the CSV file generated in previous step in Increff RMS User Interface.
Please note that you must have a user created with correct user access given for the RMS Organisation you want to login into.
You can reach out to Increff CS team in case of any queries.
Upon receiving data from Omni Standard Reports this can be directly uploaded within the RMS UI for credit note generation.
Navigate to the Invoice Solutions → Credit Note screen in RMS UI and upload the CSV data obtained from the Omni Standard Report. Refer to the provided sample template for guidance.
purchaseOrderNumber | channelName | returnOrderId | forwardOrderInvoiceId | forwardInvoiceDate | forwardChannelOrderId | timeZone | returnOrderTime | fromGstin | toGstin | fromParty | toParty | lineItemId | clientSku | skuDesc | hsnCode | taxRule | quantity | mrp | actualSellingPricePerUnit | baseSellingPricePerUnit | styleId | category | size | returnFromStreet1 | returnFromStreet2 | returnFromStreet3 | returnFromCity | returnFromState | returnFromCountry | returnFromZip | returnFromEmail | returnFromPhone | returnFromName | billingAddressStreet1 | billingAddressStreet2 | billingAddressStreet3 | billingAddressCity | billingAddressState | billingAddressCountry | billingAddressZip | billingAddressEmail | billingAddressPhone | billingAddressName | shippingAddressStreet1 | shippingAddressStreet2 | shippingAddressStreet3 | shippingAddressCity | shippingAddressState | shippingAddressCountry | shippingAddressZip | shippingAddressEmail | shippingAddressPhone | shippingAddressName |
Upon uploading the CSV file and initiating the upload process, you will receive a CSV file as a result. This file will contain the document URL of the generated credit note along with the IRN details.
orderCode | ewbNo | ewbDate | ewbValidTill | documentUrl | invoiceId | invoiceDate | documentType | invoiceStatus | irn | signedInvoice | signedQRCode | ackNo | ackDate | errorMessage |
User Manual
This section of the document offers a step-by-step guide to help you complete the process for generating credit notes.
Initial Setup / Configuration Steps in Increff RMS system
To initiate the onboarding process for the RMS domain/org creation, you can reach out to Increff CS team
Once the RMS domain is created , you can proceed to create a user within the domain.
Assign the rms.admin role to this user to grant access to the RMS UI.
These user credentials will be used for logging into the RMS UI.
From the RMS Home screen, you can navigate to Invoicing Solutions → Credit Note screen.
Proceed to the Configurations tab and add a new Credit Note configuration.
Enter the necessary details including the Credit Note Alias, Credit note prefix, Credit note ID, and select the template to be usde for generating the credit note.
Activate the E-Invoice enabled toggle to enable E-Invoicing.
Now Proceed to the Invoicing Solutions → ClearTax Configurations screen to configure the ClearTax credentials of your cleartax account.
If credit note generation is to be handled by ClearTax, toggle on the ClearTax Invoice option.
Data Export from Omni Standard Reports
Head to Omni-Reporting-Tool and navigate to B2B Returns Credit Note Generation for RMS report
Provide Gate Entry ID or B2B Return PO number to generate the data. (Either of the two is mandatory)
This report can be uploaded as mentioned in the next section.
Credit note generation from RMS UI
Navigate to the RMS UI and access the /Invoice Solutions/Credit Note page. Proceed to the generation tab.
Choose the appropriate credit note alias and upload the report downloaded from Omni Standard Reports.
Upon generating the credit note, you will receive a result CSV containing the document URL of the credit note and IRN details.