RMS Cleartax Integration

RMS Cleartax Integration

Increff RMS is integrated with Cleartax for E-Invoicing and Ewaybill generation.


Cleartax APIs Integrated

  • Generate IRN

  • Get IRN

  • Get Invoice PDF

  • Generate EWB

  • Get EWB


Generate Invoice API call

  • When the Generate Invoice API call is made to RMS, with the details stored in RMS from the Compute Tax API call and the details being passed in the Generate Invoice API call, the Generate IRN API call is made to Cleartax.

  • Cleartax makes the call to Government portal with these details, gets the IRN and QR code and returns it to RMS.

  • After this, RMS makes the Get Invoice PDF API call to Cleartax. Cleartax generates the E-Invoice PDF at its end and returns the pdf in this call.

  • RMS stores these details in the Db and returns the same in response of the generate invoice API call.


Get Invoice API call

  • When the Get Invoice API call is made to RMS, RMS makes the Get IRN API call to get the IRN and QR code details.

  • RMS then makes the Get Invoice PDF API call to get the E-Invoice PDF from Cleartax.

  • All these details are then sent in the response of the Get Invoice API call.