Create Inward Order API (Beta)
Inbound | POST | /orders/inward
This API is used to create inward orders in Increff Omni.
This API will create inward orders in Increff Omni. One payload will create only one order and one SKU can be present only once.
Now you can also create the Inward Orders by passing some Custom attributes along with the order which can be stored and used in different ways in Increff system.
Note: Please note that the Custom Order or Order Item attribute key must be added in the OMS UI using screen Custom order/ line Item Attribute, else it can result into failure of order creation in Increff OMS system.
In cases where the Custom order attribute key is not defined and custom order or order item attributes are part of the Inward/Outward order creation payloads then the order would move to FAILED
status in CIMS.
Note: Now while creating inward order, system can pass handlingType
feild as CROSS_DOCK if the inventory is to be cross docked. Before it was on box level as field Purpose which is now deprecated and will not be used.
"isAsnExpected": true,
"locationCode": "Wid234",
"orderCode": "H19304030003",
"handlingType": "STORAGE"
"orderItems": [
"channelSkuCode": "100005643",
"orderItemCode": "item123",
"orderItemCustomAttributes": {
"attribute1": "Value1",
"attribute2": "Value2",
"attribute3": "Value3",
"attribute4": "Value4",
"attribute5": "Value5",
"attribute6": "Value6",
"attribute7": "Value7",
"attribute8": "Value8",
"attribute9": "Value9",
"attribute10": "Value10",
"channelMetadata": {
"custom_keys": "value"
"quantity": 2,
"sellingPricePerUnit": 1500
"orderTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+05:30",
"orderType": "SO/STO/RTV/RPO",
"parentOrderCode": "132",
"partnerCode": "PUSH112",
"partnerLocationCode": "UIH786",
"strategyName" : "Strategy 1",
"taxBreakupForms": [
"channelSkuId": "sky1",
"baseSellingPricePerUnit": 100.8,
"taxItemForms": [
"type": "CGST",
"rate": 1.2,
"taxPerUnit": 27.5
"orderCustomAttributes": {
"attribute1": "Value1",
"attribute2": "Value2",
"attribute3": "Value3",
"attribute4": "Value4",
"attribute5": "Value5",
"attribute6": "Value6",
"attribute7": "Value7",
"attribute8": "Value8",
"attribute9": "Value9",
"attribute10": "Value10",
"channelMetadata": {
"custom_keys": "value"
"currency": "INR"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| Boolean | Flag to determine if an ASN is expected against an inward order | No |
| String | Represents code of parent order of the order | No |
| String | Time at which order got placed by customer | Yes |
| String | Possible values
| Yes |
| String | Unique code used by channel to identify the order | Yes |
| String | Location code of the warehouse from where the order will get fulfilled | Yes |
| String | This represents the partner from which order will come.
| Yes |
| String | This represents the partner’s location from which order will come.
| Yes |
| String | This represents the name of inventory pool allocation strategy configured in Increff OMS | No |
| String |
Default : Storage if this inventory is to be crossdocked then handling type cross dock has to be used. |
| Object[ ] | Tax break up for the items (if object is sent, all the fields of the object should be sent) | No |
| String | Channel Sku id | Yes |
| Double | Base selling price per unit of the Sku | Yes |
| Object[ ] | Distribution of tax with tax type | Yes |
| String | Type of tax applicable | Yes |
| Double | Tax rate for this tax type | Yes |
| Double | Tax applicable for this type of tax per unit | Yes |
| Object[ ] | Order Items list if order type is OPEN_PO or OPEN_RO then non mandatory else mandatory If this object is sent then all children fields must also be sent. | Conditional |
| String | Channel SKUs expected to arrive | Yes |
| Int | qty expected to arrive | Yes |
| Double | price per unit | Yes |
| String | Unique order item code of the item(This should be unique in an order) | Yes |
| Object | Custom attributes for an order item | No |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | No |
| Object | This is an object of extra metadata fields which can be used in subsequent flows | No |
| Object | Custom attributes for an order | No |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | No |
| Object | This is an object of extra metadata fields which can be used in subsequent flows | No |
| String | Currency | No |
Empty Body
HttpStatus Code
Steps to Create Inward Order
Create Vendor Master using Create Vendor Master API
Create location of the vendor using Add Vendor Location Master API
Create article master using Create Article Master API
Now you can try creating inward order using the above API.