Create Return Order API (Beta)
Inbound | POST | /return/return-orders
This API is used to create B2C return orders in Omni.
This API is used to create B2C return orders in Omni. One order item represents only one quantity of an SKU. If there are multiple quantities of the same SKU then multiple order items should be created.
"forwardOrderCode": "108",
"returnOrderCode": "100078",
"locationCode": "Wid234",
"returnOrderTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+05:30",
"returnOrderStatus" : "RETURN_CREATED",
"expectedDate" : "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+05:30",
"orderItems": [
"itemCode": "I10098",
"reason": "Different Size",
"channelSkuCode": "10007345",
"enableDoorStepQc": true
"name" : "Name",
"brand": "Brand1",
"color": "Black",
"category": "Footwear",
"subCategory": "Shoe",
"serialNumber": "100",
"price" : 100.00,
"finalAmountPaid" : 100.00,
"imageUrl": "xyz",
"storeCreditsUsed": 0.0,
"subTaxItemData": [
"type": "type",
"rate": 10,
"taxPerUnit": 10,
"taxTotal": 10
"returnOrderItemAttributes": {
"attribute1": "string",
"attribute10": "string",
"attribute2": "string",
"attribute3": "string",
"attribute4": "string",
"attribute5": "string",
"attribute6": "string",
"attribute7": "string",
"attribute8": "string",
"attribute9": "string",
"channelMetadata": "string"
"orderType": "CUSTOMER_RETURN",
"awbNumber": "HYN402",
"transporter": "transporter",
"currencyCode": "INR",
"regionType": "INDIAN",
"returnReason": "damaged product",
"sellerGstin": "29AADCP7081J1ZY",
"consigneeGstin": "29AAHCT2518N1ZW",
"shipmentDimension": {
"breadth": 10,
"height": 10,
"length": 10,
"weight": 1
"dropAddress": {
"name": "customerName",
"line1": "address line 1",
"line2": "address line 2",
"line3": "address line 3",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"state": "Karnataka",
"zip": "560076",
"country": "INDIA",
"email": "",
"phone": "9999999999"
"pickupAddress": {
"name": "customerName",
"line1": "address line 1",
"line2": "address line 2",
"line3": "address line 3",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"state": "Karnataka",
"zip": "560076",
"country": "INDIA",
"email": "",
"phone": "9999999999"
"orderDetails" : {
"codValue": 0,
"invoiceNumber": "INV-10",
"invoiceTime": "2020-10-16T20:22:28.000+05:30",
"invoiceValue": 100.00,
"isCod": false,
"forwardShipmentNumber": "101"
"returnOrderAttributes": {
"attribute1": "string",
"attribute10": "string",
"attribute2": "string",
"attribute3": "string",
"attribute4": "string",
"attribute5": "string",
"attribute6": "string",
"attribute7": "string",
"attribute8": "string",
"attribute9": "string",
"channelMetadata": "string"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Forward order code for which return order is being created. | yes |
| String | Unique identifier provided by the channel for the return order being created. | yes |
| String | Location code of the warehouse where the return order will be received. | yes |
| String | Time at which return order got placed by customer | no |
| String | The Status of the return order | no |
| String | Expected date of return | no |
| Object[] | Array of order items, order items represent each line of return order. | yes |
| String | Unique identifier provided by the channel for the return order item. | yes |
| String | Reason for return as given by the customer. | yes |
| String | SKU code for return order item. | yes |
| String | Name of the product | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Brand of the product | Conditional Yes*† |
| Boolean | To enable door step qc by courier | No |
| String | Color of the product | Conditional Yes*† |
| String | Category of the product | Conditional Yes*† |
| String | Sub Category of the product | Conditional Yes*† |
| String | Serial number of the product | Conditional Yes*† |
| Double | Price of the product | Conditional Yes* |
| Double | Final amount paid for the product | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Image url of the product | No |
| Double | Store credits for this line item | No |
| Object[] | List of sub tax items object | Conditional Yes*† |
| Object[] | Custom attributes of order item | No |
| Object | List of attributes for the order item | No |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | No |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | No |
| String | Type of tax applicable | Conditional Yes*† |
| Double | Tax rate for this tax type | Conditional Yes*† |
| Double | Tax applicable for this type of tax per unit | Conditional Yes*† |
| Double | Total tax for this tax type | Conditional Yes*† |
| String | Type of return. Possible values →
| Conditional Yes* |
| String | Courier tracking number | If courier partner integration done via Increff, then can be ignored. (Otherwise YES) |
| String | Courier partner name | If courier partner integration done via Increff, then can be ignored.
(Otherwise YES) |
| String | Currency | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Can take two values:INDIAN and INTERNATIONAL, specifying the region type of order | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Seller GSTIN. If logisticAggregatorType=CLICKPOST, then this field is mandatory. If logisticAggregatorType=SHIPROCKET, then this field can be null | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Consignee GSTIN | Conditional Yes*† |
| String | The reason due to which the order was returned | Conditional Yes* |
| Object | Package Dimensions | Conditional Yes* |
| Double | Breadth of package. Default value can be set as 1 | yes |
| Double | Height of package. Default value can be set as 1 | yes |
| Double | Length of package. Default value can be set as 1 | yes |
| Doubke | Weight of package. Default value can be set as 200 | yes |
| Object | Shipping Address (Warehouse address) | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Name of Warehouse POC | Yes |
| String | 1st line of warehouse’s address | Yes |
| String | 2nd line of warehouse’s address | No |
| String | 3rd line of warehouse’s address | No |
| String | City of Warehouse | Yes |
| String | State of Warehouse | Yes |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of Warehouse | Yes |
| String | Country of warehouse | Yes |
| String | Email of warehouse | Yes |
| String | Phone Number of warehouse POC | Yes |
| Object | Billing address of the customer | Conditional Yes* |
| String | Name of customer | Yes |
| String | 1st line of customer’s address | Yes |
| String | 2nd line of customer’s address | No |
| String | 3rd line of customer’s address | No |
| String | City of customer | Yes |
| String | State of customer | Yes |
| String | ZIP/Pin code of customer | Yes |
| String | Country of customer | Yes |
| String | Email of customer | Yes |
| String | Phone Number of customer | Yes |
| Object | Order Details | Conditional Yes* |
| Double | If order is of type COD, then this should be greater than 0 | Yes |
| String | Invoice Id of the order. If logisticAggregatorType=CLICKPOST, then this field is mandatory. If logisticAggregatorType=SHIPROCKET, then this field can be null | Conditional yes* |
| String | Invoice Time of the order. If logisticAggregatorType=CLICKPOST, then this field is mandatory. If logisticAggregatorType=SHIPROCKET, then this field can be null | Conditional yes* |
| Double | Invoice value | Yes |
| Boolean | True if the order is of COD type | Yes |
| String | Forward Shipment Number | No |
| Object | Custom attributes of the forward order | No |
| String | Custom attribute 1 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 2 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 3 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 4 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 5 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 6 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 7 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 8 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 9 | No |
| String | Custom attribute 10 | No |
| Object | meta data fields as an object which is to be parsed at the channel’s end | No |
These fields are mandatory if courier partner integration needs to be done via Increff(ie. in cases where the channel does not have the AWB and transporter details and wants increff to fetch these details through the integration between increff and logistic aggregator)
*† These fields are dependant on the Courier partner being integrated with, if it is mandatory for the courier partner, then they must be sent.
Empty Body
HttpStatus : 200