Create Gate Pass (Beta)
Create Gate Pass (Beta)
Inbound | POST | /shipment/gatepass
This API is used to create gate pass in Omni.
This API is used to create gate pass in Omni.
"gatePassCode": "AF349YR",
"locationCode": "RTOU53S",
"shipmentDetails": [
"orderCode": "AEW34YU",
"shipmentCode": "AUTR562"
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
| String | Code used by channel to identify an gate pass | yes |
| String | Location code of the warehouse for which the gate pass will be created | yes |
| Object[] | shipments to be included in a gate pass | yes |
| String | Unique code used by channel to identify the order | yes |
| String | Unique code used by the channel to identify shipment | yes |
(Note: For a client gatePassCode must be unique for a specific locationCode but it might be same for a different locationCode)
HttpStatus : 200
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