SFS Mobile First UX - Single screen order processing

SFS Mobile First UX - Single screen order processing


  • The SFS(Ship From Store) Single UI for Order Processing is a mobile-first interface designed to streamline order processing.

  • It empowers store associates with greater control over their workflow, allowing them to opt-in/out of tasks like order acceptance, picklist release, and picking.

  • This ensures a configurable experience that adapts to individual store needs and optimizes order fulfillment efficiency.

Home screen



To access the configuration, go to SFS Home → Settings → Configurations.

The configurations screen consists of providing the configs to the Store manager to set the MAT, Warning Time, etc.

Maximum Acceptance Time

  • Store Managers can define the Maximum Acceptance Time (MAT) of online orders for their store.

  • If the order is not accepted within the time frame, it would hop to the next store.

Warning Time

  • When MAT breach is approaching by this warning time, a notification appears against the order on the ‘Accept Orders’ screen highlighting the order to be accepted soon. Store managers can define the Warning Time.

Hold Packing for POS Confirmation

  • This configuration can be switched on to ensure that the billing for an order is done in the POS system before it is processed on the SFS panel.


Additionally, The new interface allows Store Admin to opt-in or opt-out of key tasks based on store preferences, needs and store workload. It is designed with the flexibility and efficiency of the store in mind.

Here’s a look at these optional features:

  1. Use Picklist to Process Orders

    1. Admin can decide to opt-in or opt-out of the picklist release process. This means he can control whether picklist generation is required or not, allowing the store team to better manage their time and resources based on the size of the store and needs.

  2. Accept Orders

    1. Store has the flexibility to choose whether or not to make accept reject workflow mandatory for incoming orders.

  3. Pick Orders

    1. Store has the flexibility to choose whether or not to pick the items in the system.




The opted-out workflow will not be visible in the UI to the users. Please find the below screenshots with the representation of how UI looks on opting in and opting out Accept Orders, Picklist Release, and Picking.








Numeral Display for Order count at different Order Processing Phases

Filters in New SFS UI

For every stage of order processing, users can find the filter button on top.


On click of the filter button, the basic filters like From Date, To Date, Channel, Status etc would be displayed. The same can be chosen by the user and searched.


To search using a specific identifier like Order ID, Channel Order ID, Picklist ID, etc. A separate tab has been provided in filters to make the UI user friendly and simple to use.


Sorting in New SFS UI

  • In different screens of order processing, the order details can be sorted in ascending or descending order of order time or required by time.

  • Page size can also be decided by the user to view the number of orders/ entries in a page.


Accept Orders

Kickstart your order management with ease! The initial acceptance or rejection of orders is now efficiently handled from the dynamic 'Accept Orders' tab.

Seamless Order States:

  • When orders flow into the Increff SFS system, they arrive in a REQUESTED state, awaiting your decisive action. The store manager steps in to accept these orders and keep things moving smoothly.

Flexible Order Acceptance Approaches:

  • Tailor your approach! Choose between a vertical or horizontal method to manage your orders with precision.

Automatic Order Hopping

  • Once you hit accept, the magic happens! The Increff OMS system automatically hops any rejected quantities to another store, efficiently handled through smart splitting and routing.

  • If Increff OMS is doing splitting routing and the Maximum Acceptance Time (set up in configurations) is breached for an order, the system automatically hops the order and the order status shows MAT_BREACHED on the panel for the store.

  • On nearing the Maximum Acceptance Time break by the warning time (also set up in configurations), a warning flag is shown against the order.

Vertical Approach:

  • View comprehensive information such as order specifics, SKU, quantity, SLA, processing times, on-shelf quantities, and more. Make informed decisions on each order as you scroll down effortlessly.

  • Visual clarity at your fingertips! Scroll left or right through images to inspect other line items, or use intuitive left/right arrows for a seamless viewing experience.


Horizontal Approach:

  • Get granular! Click on 'View and Accept Items' to drill down into line item details for each order.

  • Precision handling! Specify the exact quantity you're accepting for each line item.

  • Provide insights! Mention reasons for any rejected quantities, ensuring clear communication.

  • Stay ahead! After accepting, you're guided through the next steps like picking and packing, ensuring a smooth workflow.

The below images show the horizontal approach of order Acceptance on the Line Item Level in mobile, tablet, and laptop views:


Release Pick List

Picklist is a group of orders which we are going to pick together. There are two ways of releasing the pick list:

  • Search and select the orders for which the Picklist needs to be released using the filters options(client, channel status, order wise).

  • Upload a file with the order IDs for which the Picklist needs to be released.

  • The picklist generated in SFS is meant for digital picking using the ‘Picking Screen’. But, picking can be skipped in the system based on operational decisions.

Picklist Release by Order Search and Selection

User can search the orders based on filters and sorting options available. The steps are as follows:

  • In filters, Select the client, channel, status and the number of orders to be searched and released for picklist. Selecting a channel to release the picklist is optional.

  • The orders which are fulfillable will be displayed on the UI in increasing order of the Required by Time or the SLA.

  • One can choose to release all selected orders or some of them.

  • On clicking on the ‘Release Picklist’, the picklist will be released.

Picklist Release by Upload

Manually group orders to process them together. The steps are as follows

  • Select client. Selecting a channel to release Picklist is optional.

  • The orders for which the picklist needs to be released should be added to a CSV and uploaded here.

  • On clicking on the ‘Release Picklist’, the picklist will be released.


The below images represent the release picklist screens in mobile, tablet, and laptop views:


Picking screen is used to pick the items. If picklist release is opted by store, picklist wise picking would be attempted. Otherwise, the order-wise picklist will be attempted.

The picklist can be downloaded from this screen in the form of a PDF, or the picklist can be viewed for SKUs part of picklist along with quantity.


More orders can be added to a picklist from this screen.



Picking when Pick list Release flow is Enabled/ Pick by Picklist

  • The user will search the Picklist ID to attempt picking based on the filters. Eg, Picklist ID, Picklist Date,etc

  • More picklist filters as shown below are available to pick only specific zone, brand items.

  • To pick an SKU, the user will click on the SKU card.

  • A new pop-up will open containing an SKU image, attributes, and a line item each with order and required-by-time details of every piece of that SKU required to be picked.

  • The picking status of a piece required will be shown on the screen.


  • The user can either ‘Pick’ the piece by clicking on the Pick button or by scanning the SKU barcode or can reject a piece after selecting the rejection reason.


Below images represent the picking flow for an SKU part of the picklist.


Picking when Pick list Release flow is Disabled/ Pick By Order

  • The user can filter the Order(s) for which picking is required to be done. If there are more orders, sorting on order time/ SLA time can be done.

  • To start picking, click on Pick Items button.

  • Alternatively, if user is redirected from Accept Orders screen, he can directly start picking for the given order.

  • A new screen will open containing an SKU image, attributes, and a line item each with order and required-by-time details of every piece of that SKU required to be picked.

  • The picking status of a piece required will be shown on the screen.

  • The user can either ‘Pick’ the piece by clicking on the Pick button or by scanning the SKU barcode or can reject a piece after selecting the rejection reason.






User can chose to do packing by picklist or by order.

Packing by Picklist ID

  • The user can filter Picklist ID, and then pick up an item and scan the SKU

  • The system will automatically sort the orders by SLA and then assign the item first to a single-item order and then to a multi-item order once all single-item orders for that SKU are packed.

  • The system will show the current scanned item’s image, attributes, and two tables: ‘Item(s) scan completed’ [items already scanned for the order] and ‘Item(s) scan pending’ [items pending to be scanned for the order]

  • The user can reject an item from the pending table with a rejection reason if required.

  • Similarly, if the autoHopping configuration is FALSE, the user can accept an item rejected during the 'Picking' step.

  • Once, all the items are scanned and there is nothing in the pending table, Confirm Packing button gets enabled.

  • The user clicks the ‘Confirm Packing’ button to confirm the packing. A call is made to the marketplace confirming the packing.


  • Then the user clicks on the ‘Print Invoice and Shipping Label' button to print the invoice and shipping label simultaneously.

  • Once the user has pasted the correct invoice and shipping label on the packet, the system asks the user to scan the AWB number to complete the packing.

The below images represent the Order by Picklist screen.





Packing by Order ID

  • The user can filter the Order ID or set of Order IDs and click on Pack Items button to start the packing.

  • Alternatively, if user is redirected directly from Picking screen, he can start packing for the given order.


  • The system will show the current scanned item’s image, attributes, and two tables: ‘Item(s) scan completed’ [items already scanned for the order] and ‘Item(s) scan pending’ [items pending to be scanned for the order]

  • The user can reject an item from the pending table with a rejection reason if required.

  • Similarly, if the autoHopping configuration is FALSE, the user can accept an item rejected during the 'Picking' step.

  • Once, all the items are scanned and there is nothing in the pending table, Confirm Packing button gets enabled.

  • The user clicks the ‘Confirm Packing’ button to confirm the packing. A call is made to the marketplace confirming the packing.

  • Then the user clicks on the ‘Print Invoice and Shipping Label' button to print the invoice and shipping label simultaneously.

  • Once the user has pasted the correct invoice and shipping label on the packet, the system asks the user to scan the AWB number to complete the packing.


  • The order can be dispatched from this screen once the courier comes for pick up.

  • Users can choose to dispatch orders via a transporter or courier service. Simply click the dropdown arrow on the tab to select your preferred option.

  • On confirming handover, Handover document is printed for reference.

Dispatch by Transporter

  1. Users should choose the client, channel and transporter.

  2. Click on start handover.


  1. Start scanning the AWBs for chosen client, channel and transporter. The remove AWB option is available if the wrong AWB has been added by any reason.

  2. The system now retains previously scanned AWBs, even if more AWBs are added to the same handover later until the handover is confirmed. Eg, If any AWBs were missed initially, users can easily append them to the ongoing handover without losing the previously saved data, as long as the handover remains open. Enjoy a more flexible and efficient process for managing your handovers.



Below images shows the mobile, tab, and laptop view of dispatch by transporter screen.


Dispatch by Order

Dispatch can be done Order-wise. Channel Order Code, Parent Order Code or Increff Order Id can be used for searching the order.

Below images shoes the mobile, tab, and laptop view of dispatch by order screen.


Q1: What is the benefit of setting Maximum Acceptance Time (MAT) for orders?

  • MAT ensures that orders are accepted by a store within a specific timeframe. If the order is not accepted, it automatically hops to the next available store, preventing delays in order fulfillment.

Q2: What happens if an order is not accepted within the Maximum Acceptance Time?

  • If the Maximum Acceptance Time is breached, the order is automatically transferred (or “hopped”) to the next store. A warning flag appears on the UI before this breach happens, prompting the store to act quickly.

Q3: How are rejected orders handled?

  • If an order or part of an order is rejected, the system automatically hops the rejected items to the next available store, ensuring that orders are always processed as efficiently as possible.

Q4: Can I pick orders manually if the picklist release flow is disabled?

  • Yes, if the picklist release flow is disabled, you can pick orders manually by searching the order or picklist ID. The system allows for picking either SKU-based or order-based items depending on your preference.

Q5: How can I add more orders to an existing picklist?

  • You can add more orders to an existing picklist from the picking screen, giving you flexibility in managing bulk order processing efficiently.

Q6: Can I dispatch orders in bulk?

  • Yes, dispatch can be done either by order or in bulk through a transporter or courier. The system retains scanned AWBs until the handover is confirmed, making the process more flexible and manageable.

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